23 - The War of All Wars.

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               "OH MY HEAVENS, what did you do with this poor boy!" Fairy Godmother gasped as Miles and Sebastian lay Harry gently down on the bed in one of the Castles spare bedrooms.

"Carlos and Ben briefed you about today, right?" Mal questioned as the group stood at the foot of the large royal draped bed. All watched on as Fairy Godmother went around to Harry's injured side, to examine the extent.

"Indeed they have, I do not approve of all this violence, lots of grades will go down in my class." She huffed, gently picking up Hook's forearm as he lay limp.

"There's no time for your stupid school stuff, you must cure him so that we can stop Pan, we don't have long!" Miles called out, pushing his long hair away from his face, anxiety apparent.

"Shh, calm down man," Seb muttered as the group glared at the hot headed boy. "Hook will fix this."

"Are you stupid Smee? Will he?!" Miles yelled, he held his arms out gesturing to his unconscious friend. "Because from where I'm standing, he's out cold, Primrose is probably bleeding out and Pan has both bloody pendants!"

"Stop fretting, Hatter!" Rory called and the group looked at him with distaste, unsure of his intentions.

"I can use my magic to help him, but with dearest respect your highness... how do you expect me to use my magic to defeat Pan? I'm good at what I do for an old Fairy, but with his magic working here and with the help of two Auradon pendants, I'm not sure I can help." Fairy Godmother sighed, pulling her infamous wand from beneath her periwinkle jacket with pink piping.

"We have to try." Mal looked across at her beastly boyfriend, pleading. "We can't let him take what he wants."

"I know Pan better than anyone in this room," Rory stepped forward from the growing crowd in the spare room. Even Ben's parents and Dizzy and the Lost Boys were here now. "I know you doubt my loyalty, rightly so... But I assure you, that if we do nothing right now, it'll be the end of Auradon and the Isle of the Lost as we know it."

"We have to try something, get your damn heads together, Rose's life is on the line here!" Hunter pushed, looking between the Fairy Godmother and Ben. "Primrose always said, no man gets left behind. If we can't do that for her when she needs us, then we're no better than Pan."

Ben stood forward, next to Rory. He turned away from Fairy Godmother and Harry and instead looked across at the large group in front of him. He had an idea, but they didn't have much time to waste.

"Dexter," Ben pointed, pulling the boy from the group, he held him at arms length. "Take Carlos, Dizzy and Hunter, go back to the Isle... to the lair... bring you know who and the rest of Hook's crew with you."

Dexter couldn't hold back a smile as he was told to return to the Isle to fetch his family, they were more pivotal than first thought. "But the barri-"

"Carlos has the remote." Ben interrupted. "Now hurry!"

With those final words, Dexter took off out the grand oak doors behind Carlos, it was his turn to lead, to show his father that he and Dominic were worth more than just selling at the local market on the Isle every day. The twins were desperate to prove to their father they were capable of great power, just like him. Now was their chance to show it.

"Now, Fairy Godmother, I need you to use your magic to heal Hook. Once he is awake he must be accompanied at all times, for his safety... Miles, that's where you come in." Ben went around the large group, pointing and pulling each individual, proud of himself. "He is not to be left alone, Pan is likely planning on using him against Primrose."

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