Tears and all this emotional stuff

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Kayleigh POV

It's been three weeks since I last saw Xavier and my heart aches every time, I think about him which is what I do with most of my day. I frowned I can still feel the hurt in his voice the last time I spoke to him. I want to go back but since I left there have been no more attacks, no more deaths and no more pain. I sighed maybe it's for the best... I thought as the tears fell, I hate that he's suffering I can feel his pain through our bond even its not completed I can still feel his emotions if they're strong enough.

Right now, I'm in a hotel I used the money I get from a part-time job to afford it and I'm hiding out in a mundane village/ town I'm a coward I know I should just go back and be with Xavier. my mind wondered off thinking of all the what ifs such as what if my father was alive would we have met sooner? or what if I wasn't blamed but loved by my pack? would we already have a child? These unanswerable questions taunted me as I think of mine and Xavier's past conversations. Like the time I decided I want three children when me and Xavier talked about it before.


I was waiting for Xavier to come back from his patrol rounds. I was up in our room watching tv to pass the time he should be back in a couple of hours I decided to call Karlee to binge watch films with me. I called her up and she said she's on her way. Ten minutes later she burst into the room with all sorts of snacks and we put in the first film and that's how the night went. She left as soon as Xavier arrived, I continued to watch films with Xavier until he suddenly piped up with "Do you want children?" I stared at him in shock for a couple of seconds I cleared my throat.

"Err yeah I want three." I replied imaging myslef as a mother, he looked at me and smiled I couldn't help but smile back he hugged me closer as we continued to watch films.

Present time

I sighed and blinked a couple of times and got back to work cleaning the coffee shop I applied here when I left that abandoned cottage. I came back one night, and Xavier's scent was too close for me to be able to stay there without finding him. I have been hiding out in this dingy hotel saving most of the money I earn. I also clean for the hotel that's why I can stay here I just can't face him, yet he will be angry at me I know it.

I was thinking would he want me back did he already move on no... I would have felt it if he did anything surely, he still loved me. I thought some more but I was hungry, so I went to the cafe and ordered something to eat I was too busy to notice someone had sat opposite me I focused on this person and I jumped a mile it was Alpha Ryan's Beta Levi.

He looked at me with sad eyes for a while but then he finally spoke. "Follow me." I shook my head no.

"I'm not going to hurt you it's important please." He pleaded with me, I could see he was desperate. But my anxiety was too prominent.

"What about him." He looked at me the sadness was still there.

"All he knows is you're not with Xavier's pack anymore which might I add is very stupid of you your lucky I found you." He said harshly making me cower back he mumbled a quick sorry and I walked in a silence until we arrived at a park I looked at him confused.

"Public place if he finds you he can't make a scene in front of the mundane's." My heart rate accelerated as he spoke.

"Why did you bring me here? how did you find me?" 

"Believe me you weren't easy to find and I have important news," I didn't say anything I waited for him to elaborate be sighed again "Alpha Ryan is planning to kill Xavier and take over his pack he knows he doesn't have the numbers which are why he's teaming up with the rouges." My heart ached and my breathing hitched.

"H-h- how." I stuttered 

"You need to kill Alpha Ryan." He muttered bluntly.

"What!? " I yelled my eyes wodening, my heart quickend his pace.

"Calm down." He said his eyes darting around the park.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down!" I spat angrily. I glared at him my anger flaring, he stared at me blankly before he continued with his bizzar ideas.

"Because you won't be alone but we have to go back to your pack so I can talk to your Alpha."He mumbled softly. I eyed him.

"How am I supposed to trust you with everything going on." I whisphered, he looked at me as his anger began to rise.

"Because your sister was my mate and I failed to protect her so I am protecting you for goodness sake," I did a spit take and nearly choked on my coffee my eyes were wide and my mouth was open "close your mouth you will catch flies."

"You're losing your mind your lying I don't have a sister I'm an only child." He shook his head and his eyes held pure honesty.

"How old are you?" 

"18." I answered he nodded.

"Don't you think they were a bit old to be having their first child at forty and forty-six?" I nodded seeing his point, but if that were true where is she. 

"When your mother was twenty her and your father was twenty-six, they were blessed with twins a boy and a girl Alexa and Chase," he said Alexa's name with a deep sadness swimming in his eyes. "I met her when I was 18 she was 16 we were happy until Ryan became Alpha he... he killed her because she wouldn't be his Luna and mate with him he knew she was my mate and that we were fully mated but he is a bastard and doesn't care about anyone but himself." His eyes held so much rage but also a deep mourning. 

"I'm sorry, I-I don't know did he kill my brother too?" I said softly he looked at me and shook his head. A dwindle of hope lit up inside of me filling me with a new form of hope.  

"He went after Alpha Ryan, he was blinded by rage. He was almost feral I had never seen such anger and power from a lower ranked wolf he was so angry at the fact he killed his sister he almost succeeded in killing him but your father stopped him and told him if he wanted to survive he had to run as-as far he can and never return as far as I know your brother could be anywhere." He explained with a grim look.

Wolfs age slower than humans he might be in his thirties but could still look like he's in his twenties "so basically, I have no one and its all Alpha Ryan's fault he has to die!" I slammed my fist on the park bench as I spoke "he killed your mate why in the world did you become his beta and you say your trying to protect me because you couldnt protect her, what I went through... what he put me through it was worse. She was killed, I was tortured. How can you say that you were trying to help me." I said in outrage.

"Because when it comes down to it we are going to kill him and I'm going to make it as slow and as painful as he did you. I'm sorry I couldn't do more, I'm really, really sorry." He said as he hung his head in shame. I nodded understanding him, even if it was only little.

"What do we have to do?" I questioned looking him in the eye.

"We have to go to Xavier and inform him before it's too late. I promise I'm going to avenge your sister and help you track down your brother." He claimed as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly almost desperatly.

"One more question," I said. He nodded "why did no one tell me,"

"Because if Alpha Ryan found out your dad let Chase go he would of killed you as revenge, so your family kept your siblings a secret so he wouldn't do to you what he did to Alexa though I realise that might have been better than what he did do." He mumbled causing me to scoff. All I could do was nod I was so shocked with this information I didn't know what to think except Alpha Ryan has to die.


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