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Xavier's POV

I went back to my room and couldn't stop the flashbacks of the moment we just shared, I'm shocked she kissed me back. I'm wasn't shocked that I kissed her out of the blue. I just needed to feel her affection. I don't know what will happen next but I just know that I needed her I missed, her my wolf needed her as much as hers needed mine I was clueless as to why she kissed me back I thought she didn't want me I guess I was wrong.

I walked into my office to discuss strategy and since Levi trained with Ryan's pack; he knows their flaws and their positive tactics and to be honest there were more flaws than anything else and its kind of lousy for an Alpha. "We know they are attacking in three weeks' time that's enough time to train and learn new tactics but there's  one problem.... what happens when he needs you." I set my gaze on Levi.

"Well... you see he thinks I've gone rogue, well that's what I told him." He mumbled. Kayleigh stood up and glared at him,

"why on earth would you do that, you were the inside man, you were supposed to tell us what he was planning, how the heck are we going to have the upper hand now?" She snarls he looked at  her and smirked.

"Darling that was cute, but I bugged his office, the main part of the pack house, his new Betas room, his room and the training fields." he laughed as he pulled up a screen as Alpha Ryan was talking about his plan. I scowled at the pet name. 

What... I'm a jealous guy.

"They're not going to expect an attack so we go in sections me and the best warrior's will split and take the north and south side the rest of the  group will take the rest of the territory the witches will be behind  the tree lines you won't be able to see them with the naked eye unless you knew were to look.... Beta Max your mission is to get the girl I know she's there I have an inside man well woman Channaade has been filling me in on there tactics and that SLY snake Levi has been working with them I will get my plaything back and I will cause so much pain she begs me for death." He stopped talking growled but so so does Kayleigh she stud up so fast I'm surprised she wasn't dizzy.

 "I will end her." She spits as she rips the door open so harshly I'm pretty sure it was now broken...  this will be entertaining.

Kayleigh's POV...

When I heard Channaade was the inside man I saw red... I stormed out the room wanting blood I wanted to watch the light leave her eyes I wanted to watch her bleed until she takes her last breath I saw her in the main room I rushed up to her and slapped her face.

"You bitch!" I snarled shoving her back "You ratted out your own Alpha," I hissed as I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her head onto the floor. She tried to crawl back to her feet, but I straddled her and repeatedly smashed my fist into her silicone face. I didn't stop when I heard her cries for help. I extracted my claws and dragged them across her chest, just wanting to see her blood. She screamed out in pain as her missing flesh dropped off my claws I whispered in her ear "I will end you, traitorous piece of shit." I snarled as I went for the kill, but she had other plans as she kicked me off her causing me to stumble back, she slashed at my arm causing a deep scratch mark and blood was now dripping down my arm.

I laughed at the pain I needed to feel pain I head butted her and I think I broke her broken nose even more she shouted out in pain I dragged her out to the back by her hair a crowd had now formed shouts and cheers erupted through it the yard. "Tell me why you betray my mate and I'll let you live." I growled lowly.

"O... ok.... Okay I'll tell you," she screamed "I wanted Xavier to myself he is  mate ad Alpha Ryan is YOURS. You stole my mate, you bitch! I love Xavier and he loves ME. Why else would he kiss me back?!" She screamed causing my heart to drop to the floor,  tears threatened to fall, but I remained strong and plunged my claws into her neck and twisted my hand her eyes widened "y..O...U..... said y.... o... u ... would let me  li.. ve." She spluttered, I ripped my hand out of her neck pulling her throat out with a satisfying crunch. I threw it to the floor, I smiled at her sadistically.

"I lied rot in hell bitxh!" I spat as I dropped her to the floor. As I made my way back to Xavier with hurt In my eyes "You kissed her " I whispered to myself more than anything.

"No, no, she kissed me I was shocked I admit I didn't push her away straight away. But I pushed her away." I let the tears fall. I glared at him with a burning anger in my eyes, I pursed my lips before I punched him in the face... hard.  I ran to my room, locked the door, and then I locked myself in the bathroom as I collapsed to the floor in a fit of sobs.

About three hours later Xavier came in banging on the door he threatened to rip it down and I said if he did I would run and this time I wouldn't come back and he left me with a tray of food which I ate when I was sure he was gone. He has hurt me when he promised he wouldn't.


Can these two ever catch a break???

I hope you liked this chapter

Read on to find out what happens next!

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