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Xavier POV

I can't put up with this anymore her revenge has been deadly she is constantly winding me up and then walking away she has been tormenting me, last week she unscrewed the screws to my desk so when I sat on it fell through making me look like a fool I was so angry but slightly amused. And yesterday I don't know how she did it, but managed to fill my whole bathroom with horse manure. It still smells horrific. But not as much as when I first walked in. The stench caused my eyes to water, and I had to rush into my room throwing up in the trash can. And she even keyed my car. My poor car! Amy wasn't talking to me, nor was Karlee. All they did was glare at me. It's like she's formed her own little pack of passive aggressive she wolfs who are not afraid to kick you in the nuts if need be. It's maddening.

 I must of really hurt her.

"Yeah, you did." She mumbled through our link. I sighed  "I'm sorry angel."  She huffed and cut the link. This will be a tough ride but is a ride I'm willing to take because I love her "I'm going on a run." Kayleigh's angelic voice entered my mind again, I gave her the okay but only if Carl went with her she huffed but agreed while I went back to my transfer papers. We were getting ten new members in the next few weeks. Besides that, there was going to be a celebration. Well, more of an acceptance party for Kayleigh to officially annouce out mateship.

Kayleigh's POV

Running through the trees zig-zagging avoiding any branches. Carl's voice entered my head. "Kayleigh slow down." He barked, but I ignored him pushing myself faster my legs were burning but I didn't care. My lungs were screaming at me to rest but I didn't listen all of a sudden my wolf was tackled to the ground, pain flared through me as they took a bite out of my flesh I howled out in pain. I didn't want to move, but I put aside the pain as I stumbled to my feet, pinning my ears back and bared my teeth, hissing at the creature. He took a glance at me, fear flashing in his eyes but it disappeared as quickly as it came he lunged at me slashing my underbelly. I felt the blood trickle out of me before I saw it pool underneath me. I had been beaten "help." I whispered through the link me and Xavier shared the rogue was going for the kill until he was slammed into a tree.  Carl's wolf grabbed the rogue by his neck and slammed him to the ground. Both wolves reared up and slashed at each other. The rogue got a hit on Carl, but it was like he didn't even feel it. He swiped at the rogue's legs, causing him to stumble. Carl bit down onto its shoulder and ripped it out of place. The rogue howled out before I saw Xavier's wolf. He took one look at me and began shaking with rage. He ran at the rogue, Carl stepping to the side as Xavier attacked him, biting his neck and ripping his throat out, killing him. .

 All I saw before the blackness took over was Xavier's chocolate brown orbs.


I opened my eyes to a blinding light, blinking a couple of times as I focused on the figure before me "Da.. daddy." I cried as I leapt into his welcoming arms and sobbed into his shoulder.

"Kayleigh... we don't have much time, I need to tell you something." His worried voice rang out. Oh, how I've missed that voice.

"Okay" I sniffed.

"First of I wanted to apologise for the way you were treated after my passing and for not being there to stop them my mate turned into a psycho. Though my death was partially to blame for that. I heard you every time you prayed for it to stop and I cried every time it happened and every time you wished for me to return to help you. I love you." I had tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm weak I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations I'm sorry I failed you as a daughter." I cried, he growled at me.

"That's not true. You're stronger than I ever imagined you'd have to be. I'll see you soon. This is the last time I can do this, appear to you. It's a blessing from the goddess. I love you I'll see you soon and wake up for Xavier he needs you and one last thing sweetheart I'm sorry. But listen up. Ryan is dangerous, okay! You need to be careful. You need to find your brother, Kayleigh. Find him!"  He ordered a desperate  edge to his tone. I nodded and hugged him, missing the feel of his arms around me. There is no lace I've felt safest then my father's arms... well maybe Xaviers but you get my point. His figure started to fade, causing a panic to rise within.

"No, please don't leave me, not again!" I sobbed as his figure retreated, hiding amongst the shadows.


And then my world went black.


Another chapter done for you guys!

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