8. caught

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here puppy
here boi

okay i'm not a dog

i wish
so whatchu doin this saturday


we're going to the movies



i'm kidding
we just go out a lot

do you not enjoy it

oh i enjoy it
i just wanna do something different

ohh i see
to keep things interesting
alright scotty
where to?

ever heard of a trampoline park?

scott decided playing dodge ball with malia was probably the worst idea he'd ever had. she had the strongest arm of anyone he knew. and he used to have to play dodge ball with jackson.

malia would only aim for scott, even though there were many more people on his team. she would hit him, laugh, probably make fun of him, and then hit the little kids. she definitely didn't show any mercy.

the trampoline park had mostly kids and a few teenagers. the seats were taken up by adults watching their kids play or with their head stuck in their phone.

scott watched as malia bounced up and down with a ball in her right hand. she scanned her eyes over the opposing team, choosing her next victim. there was one kid who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen. when malia's eyes landed on him, she smiled wickedly and nodded to herself. she brought her arm back before launching the ball at the kid. it hit him directly in the stomach and he fell. scott stiffled a laugh once he saw that the kid was okay. the game lasted a few more minutes before they nothing decided it was time for something else.

they had a long trampoline to do tricks on (even though neither of them could), a foam pit, and a basketball goal.

they chose the foam pit. no one was there when the got there, so they had it to themselves.

"think of how many fetus germs are in this." malia said as she held scott's hand, referring to the foam pit.

malia jumped in soon after, being completely swallowed by the foam. scott jumped in a few feet away from where malia jumped, making sure he wouldn't hit her. they were both completely engulfed in foam blocks and kid germs.

later, after dinner, scott drove malia home. he walked her to her door, as usual.

malia turned to him and said, "i had fun."

"me too." scott said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "bye."

malia watched scott walk away for a moment before she said, "scott. wait."

scott turned around and walked back towards her. "yeah?"

"why haven't you tried to kiss me yet?"

scott was shocked at the question, but malia didn't seem to be phased. his mouth was open slightly for a few moments, before he regained the ability to move. he realized what she wanted him to do, so he did.

scott leaned forward, close his eyes, and kissed her.

scott knew it was a cliché to say "fireworks went off", but they did. his heart was beating like crazy. it was all such a rush. he had never felt this way about someone before. felt this way with someone before.

they both couldn't hold their breath much longer, so they pulled away. they were breathing heavily as they stared at each other with scott's hands on her face and her hands on his shoulders.

"come inside." malia whispered. she stepped away from scott to open the door.

scott grinned. the two's lips reunited once they entered the front door. they stumbled all the way through the hallway, giggling as they knocked picture frames off the wall. or just ran into the wall. scott's back hit the door and his hand fumbled around for the doorknob. he finally turned it and malia fell even farther into him than she originally was. they stumbled into malia's bedroom, their lips never breaking apart.


their heads turned to see kira, standing in malia's room with a betrayed look on her face.


Gave y'all a happy chapter (kinda) before things get screwed up. :)

Please don't throw tomatoes at me.


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