41. promises that can't be kept

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scott didn't know what was happening once he was shoved in a closet. all he knew was that stiles was most likely behind it. he groaned.

he fumbled his hand around on the wall in search of the light switch. he found it and flicked it up.

malia stood there in front of him, looking sad. "hi." she said quietly.

his heart broke. "hi."

"so... looks like stiles and lydia trapped us in a closet." malia sighed.

scott nodded. "looks like it."

they stayed silent. scott waited for her to say something, but she said nothing. he turned around and turned the doorknob. it moved, but it felt like something was blocking the door. "they locked us in." scott said. "stiles? lydia? let us out!" he called.

"not until you make up!" he heard stiles' voice from the other side of the door.

scott sighed, turning back around. he knew what stiles wanted him to do. he wanted scott to tell malia what he had told stiles.

he looked at her, and her eyes were on the floor. "how are you?" she asked.

"i've been better. you?"


awkward silence.

scott wanted to tell her so bad. he wanted to tell her everything. but that was just another thing he wasn't supposed to do. he agreed. he promised. he couldn't break his promise. even it was for...

then he realized.

this was malia. the girl he loved. this wasn't just anyone. this was malia freaking tate. he was the luckiest guy in the world. an amazing girl wanted to be with him. well, maybe not now, but she deserved the truth.

he wasn't sure where to start. it wasn't exactly an easy thing to say. so he gently grabbed her head and pulled his lips to his. their kiss lasted only a few seconds. malia seemed stunned at first, but slowly eased into it until they pulled apart.

malia rested her forehead against his, unsure of what to think.

scott didn't blame her. he had hurt her by breaking up with her for a reason that wasn't at all her fault. she probably spent their few weeks apart wondering what she did wrong.

malia shook her head slightly. "scott..."

"i didn't want to break up with you, malia." he whispered. "that was the last thing i wanted."

malia gulped, wondering what those words meant for the two of them."then why did you?"

scott inhaled sharply, gathering up the courage to tell her. he wasn't afraid of how it would turn out for him as much as he was for her and her father.

"your dad." scott sighed. "a few days before the party, i went to your house to go and see you. you weren't there, but i ran into your dad..."

"hi, mr. tate." scott said nervously, knowing malia's dad never liked him.

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