22. cliché

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kira was making it okay. she saw scott and malia together, and it hurt less each day. she knew that she and scott were over, and she was getting over him. slowly.

she wasn't mad at malia anymore, just a little disappointed in her. she didn't blame malia for going out with scott in the first place. whenever malia moved to beacon hills, kira and scott were already broken up, and she didn't talk much about him.

she only blamed her for lying. but she was trying to forgive her.

kira shoved books into her locker and exchanged them out for different ones. she closed her locker and hugged her books tight to her chest, searching for allison.

since malia and kira weren't friends like they used to be, kira started hanging out with allison more and more. she liked allison, she was really nice. she was also more girly than malia ever was, and kira liked that.

she didn't see allison, but instead saw theo raeken. the school's "bad boy" who every girl flipped out about. including kira. well, not really. kira just saw him in the halls and in class and appreciated his looks. and voice. and hair. and eyes. and... yeah right. like a guy like theo would even look in her direction.

she didn't even tell allison about how she felt, afraid allison would think she was just like any other girl.

but the thing that really bothered kira was that... he was interested in malia. the whole school knew about it. why was it that she only liked guys that liked malia?

kira sighed and kept her head down. she walked down the hallway, glancing around.

out of the corner of her eye she saw scott and malia talking. it hurt, but it hurt less than it did the day before.

she continued walking with her head down until she walked straight into someone, dropping all of her books.

"oh my god, sorry." a deep voice said.

kira looked up and saw theo raeken. "i-it's fine." kira stuttered.

theo bent down and picked up her books for her. he stood back up and held out her books in front of her. "here you go."

kira smiled and grabbed her books. "thanks."



THIRA IS ONE OF MY MANY CRACK SHIPS I'M SORRY. And I do realize that was the most cliché thing ever but I love clichés. I also know a lot of you wanted Thiam but that's more of a bromance for me.

And this chapter was just to let y'all see how Kira was doing, and that I haven't forgotten her.



p.s. i need sad song recommendations lol


OKAY this is me a few months after i wrote this and ew. i'm aware that thira is freaking cringey and weird, just know that it doesn't last. i wrote it when i was going through my "fuck everyone this is my fanfic i can do what i want" phase, and i'm sORRY.

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