9. deny, deny, deny

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"kira, it isn't what it looks like." malia defended, before kira could say anything.

"really? cause it looks like you broke your promise." kira's voice was so laced with betrayl, it made malia sick with guilt.

"what promise?" scott spoke up.

"kira, let me explain." malia said, ignoring scott's question.

"there's nothing to say." kira picked up her bag which was sitting on malia's bed. kira walked past malia and scott and through malia's bedroom door.

malia followed her out, while scott stayed. in front of malia's front door, she stopped kira from leaving. "kira, wait!"

"no! malia, i asked one thing from you. and you lied to me? i could've understood if you would've just said no. because i know what scott's like. he was the one guy i-" kira stopped herself.

"the one guy you what?" malia asked quietly.

kira inhaled to calm herself before saying, "nothing. don't talk to me. for... forever." she choked out, fighting tears.

"kira..." malia started, but kira was gone.

malia walked back into her room to see scott patiently sitting on her bed. once he saw her, he jumped up. "what was that all about?"

malia sighed before whispering, "i think you need to go."


"scott. go."

and scott left.

can we talk please




i know you're reading this
we need to talk about what happened

there's nothing to say

what happened with kira?

it's not important

it is to me
i like you a lot malia
we can get through whatever this is

there's nothing to get through

then why won't you talk to me

i am

you know what i mean


Does anyone else imagine what it would be like to be Shelley Hennig? Yeah, me neither I was just asking.


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