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sorry i haven't been updating as much but i'm really stressed and busy cause of school.

i have an A in every class except algebra because my teacher sucks. i've failed my last three tests (possibly more) in that class, and i barely ever fail at anything in school. i'm getting a math tutor starting next monday because i'm doing so badly.

but i got a 96% on my speech on tuesday! lol surprising since i'm usually the most awkward person on the planet and i can't talk in front of people without having a panic attack :)

aLsO, my math teacher is satan. he gives me tests over stuff we haven't gone over? and he knows it. he says it won't count against us because we haven't learned it sO WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE TEST?? waste of paper smh.

soo again i'm sorry for the lack of updates. there may be one out today or tomorrow (most likely tomorrow) but i make no promises.


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