Chapter 18: A New Problem?

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"Green eyes! Where have I seen them before?" Ash thought while having his shower. He reminisced the dream and the image of they eyes raised even more concerns over Ash. He felt himself flinch every time in the presence of a green object.

'Not this time Delia! You've gotten away with it so many times over the years.' The man stared straight through Delia's soul. Ash could sense that his mother was had a weakened presence with this man here. 'I don't know who you are so leave me alone you old tosspot' Delia sternly said.

The next sight brought butterflies in Ash's stomach. The man raised his hand as if he was about to slap his mother. Ash could feel his hot blood pumping furiously around his body.

Adrenaline got the better of Ash. As the man's hand lowered and approached Delia's face, Ash intervened and stopped the hand. Then gave a kick in the stomach. 'Don't you dare raise your hand on a woman' Ash said in fury, he spat next to the man who was on the ground groaning in pain.


"Ash hurry up and get out the shower! You never take this long and plus the others are waiting in the canteen so hurry up!" Serena called before leaving. However Ash didn't take into account what Serena thought as he witnessed those devilish green eyes, once again flinching.

"He's after me and... MUM!" Ash said. Hold up, don't you hate your mother? Suddenly Ash's conscience spoke to him. This made Ash think, he knew it spoke sense. "I'll just focus on myself, he'll probably come after me now that I am of age" Ash said aloud. The pain of thinking about his mother had left an internal scar that was beyond repair. Deep down he wanted to make sure this man didn't get to his mother but right now she did not matter to him.

He finally got out the shower and dressed into his simple attire. He got out the bathroom and his whole room was empty. He went to the living room and it looked like everyone had gone. "When did they go?" Ash asked to no one in particular.

His Pokémon had gone too, which surprised him but he went with it.

He got out of his hotel room and started to make his way down the corridor to the lift. However the corridor kept on going and going. The lift seemed to be stretching away.

This time Ash started to run but still it carried on. Then he suddenly stopped and instantly the lift doors were in front of him. He was begging to sweat, he vigorously pressed the button for the lift.

The lift doors slid open, ever so slowly and inside were a pair of green eyes ready for murder...


"It's quit surprising how Ash decided to have shower that lasted more than 5 minutes" Max spoke out.

"Yeah he normally gets one done and he's out to train or something" Clement said. Zack however knew there was something up with Ash, and he needed to tell him something urgently. Something about a dream.. something about a man with...

"Zack are you not hungry?" Serena asked looking at the untouched plate in front of Zack.

"I thought I'd eat once Ash gets here" Zack said, forgetting about his previous thoughts.

"Man where is Ash! I wanna eat" Bonnie complained. But as if on queue Ash entered the canteen, with a noticeable amount of sweat on his face and widened eyes. He sat down next to Serena and didn't say a word. His face looked like he was in a trance.

"Ash!" Serena clicked her fingers in front of his face and Ash quickly looked at her. "Yes?" He seemed rather confused how he got here.

"You have been rather odd these last few days" Clement spoke, wanting to sound polite rather than rude. Ash wanted to agree but he couldn't, he knew all these things were true, that instant gut feel.

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