Chapter 2

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It had been two days since we last had sex or should i say made love, i was starting to worry for zayn since he's like a sex addict. He is usually the one waking me up in the middle of the night just for me to jump right up on his hard cock or bend down over the bed for him to eat me out but for some reason he's been more tired and calling in to skip work. I made sure zayn was awake before walking down into the kitchen to make him some coffee. After setting everything on a tray and walking into the quiet dark room, i could see that he was laying there with a book in his hands and a pair of glasses placed on the bridge of his nose. 

''Hey sweetie, i brought you some nice hot coffee. Thought you'd need it seeing that maybe it'll wake you up some more for work today.'' I gently placed the cup of coffee down on top of the nightstand, as i straightened up again i was met with a hand wrapping around my wrist as i was being yanked down. 

''I'm not going to fucking work today so stop trying to get me to go and only pay attention to your damn tattooing job you damn nag.'' I gulped while not even bothering to pull away from his grip since he says it'll only get worse if i try to back away from a beating. I slowly nodded my head while being pushed away and stumbling back only for my body to meet the wall that brought pain to my head. ''Now get the fuck out and leave me alone for a few hours, and if i need you in here than get your arse in here for a fuck.'' I ran out of the room and into the kitchen to cry to myself as i loved this man that beats the hell out of me. I looked down at my new tattoos i got which was just amazing but that earned a good beating to since zayn says i need to ask him before getting anything from now on. I sat down on one of the stools while tracing a purple bruise that was on my wrist from so much tugging he had been doing. 

''If only he knew what he does to me.'' I said to myself as i looked up to see that the sky outside was a bit dark, oh yea it was suppose to be a bit cloudy today. I smiled at the window while raising from my seat and looking outside, you know i never noticed that the tattoo shop i work at has the same name as the one i wanted to work at back than, i thought to myself at how weird that was but than just shrugged it off.

''It's beautiful outside huh baby?'' I felt two arms wrap around my waist as i leaned back into his touch, he may beat me and even cuss at me at times but i still love feeling safe in his arms. ''I love you baby boy and you know what right?'' 

''Of course i know that babe, i love you to and i'd do anything for you.'' I turned around to place my arms around his shoulders as i bumped my nose with his only to earn a soft chuckle that had always brought a dimpled smile to my face. 

''I remember when i first saw you, you always wore those skin tight fucking jeans like you are now, those tattoos, and especially that butterfly that's placed on your sexy body. I love everything about you baby and i know we'll work this out, but i'm sorry for being so rough with you. I'm just a bit sick and tired.'' He placed his nose in the crook of my neck while i closed my eyes enjoying the warmth he brought to me. ''I'm glad we're married and i'm glad your safe with me and nobody else.'' 

''Zayn you think we could maybe take go out somewhere since we're mostly stuck in the house besides going to work? I mean like after you get better?'' He brought his head up only to stare into my eyes, seeing that he must have thought about it now. He gave me a warm smile as he nodded his messy head of hair. 

''Of course my love, we could check out some of the clubs around here as well. But i swear if someone even looks at you like they wanna fuck then i'm not gonna warn them with a punch to the face.'' I laughed while placing a soft kiss on his temple and sliding out of his hold. ''Hey i wasn't done holding you.'' He pouted while trying to pull me close to his body again but this time we bumped heads only to laugh, for some reason he seemed about out of it. 

''Zayn i think we need to take you to the doctors seeing that you don't look to well right now.'' I grabbed his hand while making him follow me into the room, he kept stumbling while placing his other hand on my waist only for a light squeeze. ''Let's lay you down and i'll call for an appointment tomorrow, alright sweetheart?'' 

''Yea sure whatever harry.'' I bit my lip knowing that he wasn't in a good mood anyways since he only says my name when he's upset with me. ''Just go pick me up some pain medicine will you?'' It sounded more like a question than asking, but i guess i could do that since it's getting me out of the house and into the fresh air that i've been craving for awhile now.

''I'll be back in a few minutes than, i love you sweetheart and get some sleep.'' I kissed his chapped lips while backing away but not before hearing his tired voice finally speak. 

''I love you to baby, now hurry before the storm seeps in.'' I chuckled seeing that he's to caring sometimes but i'm always careful anyways. ''Oh hey and while your at it, get those flavored condoms....Wait no scratch that we don't need condoms since we're always so bare.'' I rolled my eyes while leaving the room that held my perverted husband in it. I grabbed my car keys as i pulled my hair up having it in a homemade headband..well more like a scarf since zayn loves it that way. 

''I'll be back soon love!'' I yelled out before slipping out of the front door and placing the key in the lock only to make sure the house was secure for nobody to break in and hurt my husband. I skipped to the car pulling my jacket over my head, yep it started sprinkling which was a bit cold since i was only wearing a thin jacket and a white loose tank top. Well at least i'm wearing jeans, i looked down seeing the holes that were placed on the knees of my black jeans. Jumping inside of the car and starting the engine, i looked up seeing that zayn was already looking out of the window which kind of creeped me out, yea its true though. Sometimes zayn still creeps me out with the things he does or says, like sometimes when i sleep i wake up only to be met with his eyes on me, or maybe the fact that he use to wake me up by touching my arse or trying to remove my clothes. 

''HEY ARE YOU GONNA LIKE MOVE YOUR CAR OR WHAT?!'' I snapped my head looking around after realizing i had been at the same stop sign for almost 5 minutes now, i quickly drove off and feeling more stupid than i did before. Wow that was fucking embarrassing, i bit my lip parking my car after driving for a few more minutes only to see that the grocery store wasn't as packed as it usually is. 

''Well at least it's just an in and out situation.'' I mumbled to myself as i jumped out of my car and looking for my wallet which was placed in the back of my pocket where it belonged. 

''I agree with you there, oh and next time maybe you should pay attention more on the stop sign and how long you wait there.'' The man chuckled while i slightly jumped only to spin on my heel and be faced with a handsome looking lad. ''Zac, my name is Zac and you are?'' He held his hand out while i slowly brought mine up to shake his. 

''Um Harry, and sorry about the. I was out of it and had no idea i was there for a long time.'' I didn't even realize his grip tightened as i quickly pulled back seeing him frown this time, fuck if zayn was here he would have already murdered the guy and beat the shit out of me for even thinking someone else is pretty. 

''Nice name, and its ok. It's a good thing your beautiful or i would have already went off on you for making me late for work.'' I gaped at his tone as i started to feel my face heat up from his comment, i looked away while smiling. ''I should go before i get into anymore trouble, oh and another thing...If you need anything from here just come find me and i could help you out on that.'' He winked while walking off and vanishing inside the store, oh my god what just happened?

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