Chapter 12

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I had stopped crying about an hour ago, Why should i be crying when i kind of knew zayn was going to snap at me at some point? I took a deep breath while looking down at my grey sweats that remained low around my hips. I bit my lip seeing that i do love zayn so very much but how can i help him control that anger he has? How can i just make him feel better, yet make him feel good about the world? I groaned letting myself fall back onto the comfortable couch that reminds me of when zayn and i had sex on here like a million times. I knew that Zayn would be coming home in the morning but what time? I let my head fall back as i let my eyes close taking in the dark, i could just sleep like this and never wake up. As soon as i felt my body relax and my mind drifting off to Niall and Liam back in the days, There was a small knock outside my house. I jumped up while grabbing a sheet that had been placed across the arm of the couch only to slowly walk to the locked door. 

''This better not be a drunk zayn.'' I groaned while sucking in a deep breath hoping he wouldn't be home drunk and high since he get's really violent when he is. I unlocked the handle as i pulled the creaky door open but this time it wasn't Zayn at the door but someone i would have never expected to show up at my place. I tried to hide my face while tightening my grip on my blankets, fuck what's he doing here?

''Hey Harry you ok? I hope you don't mind me coming by without calling or texting but i just figured since i was driving by, i seen you through the window.'' I snapped my head up looking into those blue eyes, how the fuck did he see me? I looked over at my window but cursed to myself as i seen the curtains wide open. ''Sorry about coming by so random but i really needed to talk to you about something, you know since your not really working and all maybe you would like to come and work for me?'' 

''Zac i can't i'm sorry but you need to leave before my husband comes home, he won't like seeing someone else here without my permission you know.'' I bit my lip hoping he would just walk away like zayn does but he stood there shivering. ''Um you know what, just come in cause Zayn's out with his mates i'm assuming.'' I shrugged while moving aside in order for the poor guy to come in and make himself comfortable. 

''You know if you don't really want me here than i could just leave if you would like, Cause i don't want to get you in trouble with him or whatever.'' I thought about it for awhile than a thought came to me, Zayn could go out and have fun, enjoy his mates, smoke, drink, and dance with strangers? 

''No no no, come right in and hang out for awhile. If my husband can go out and have fun with his mate's than you know what i could have at least have one mate here with me just to chat it up.'' I gave him a shy smile while feeling my cheeks heat up only to slap myself mentally since i'm married and happily in love with the man that has treated me great and sometimes like shit. I know people think i'm stupid for being in love with the man but let me just say...He's not all so bad so i don't give a shit what people say nor do to him, even though no one really messes with the guy. 

''Um ok, So tell me more about yourself Harry and make sure not to leave out the details. Especially the one's where your um.....getting hurt i guess.'' He looked down probably ashamed for what he had just said but i shook it off with a small smile. ''May i sit?'' I looked to where he had been pointing and of course it's the couch that zayn and i call 'Our love making couch' I tried to hold back a giggle while shaking my head yes. ''What's so funny?'' 

''Nothing, just the fact that you would actually ask if you could sit when i just invited you inside to hang out so that means you could sit where ever you would like.'' I made my way to the couch as i sat myself down only to look up at the tanner lad who sat beside me with a gorgeous smile on his face. ''So what would you like to talk about than? Other than you know....Private stuff since i'm not really ready to talk about that kind of stuff at the moment.'' 

''Oh well um......So how are you doing tonight, even though it's pretty late....OH GOD IT'S LATE AND I CAME WHILE YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE RELAXING, I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY!'' I started laughing by the way his face looked when he started freaking out, i stopped as he started gathering his jacket and rushing to the door but before he even touched the door i grabbed his slightly bigger hand. 

''Wait...please don't leave Zac, i really need someone here for me. I hate being home alone and i just thought well maybe this was meant to be, you know? Maybe you were suppose to see me through the window and maybe you were meant to come over and talk to me.'' I gave him big puppy eyes as he licked his thick lips, like he was deep in thought. ''Please?'' I asked again but this time squeezing his hand a little harder only to snap him from his thoughts, well that's what it looked like he was doing. 

''Well your lucky your cute or i would have just left, well and it seems like you do need someone to talk to.'' He moved in closer as he was looking deep into my eyes, i gulped while moving away from the guy that looked like he wanted to kiss me. ''So why aren't you with Zayn anyways?'' I looked over my shoulder seeing that i was being followed into the kitchen, smirking to myself as i knew he would ask this damn question sometime today. 

''He just needed a break from the doctor stuff that has been going on lately, so i let him go out and hang with some of his mates.'' I shrugged my shoulders while pulling to waters out of the fridge along with setting some cold fruit on the counter just in case he wanted to grab at one. ''So it's just you and i, and i guess since it's a bit late than we can hang out until the sun rises yea?'' I looked over at a smiling blue eyed man that quickly nodded. ''Great.'' I skipped to the living room while letting myself flop on top of the soft cushions. 

''So what kind of man would leave an amazing person like you home alone without wanting to spend time with him.'' I had just now realized how close he was to me as i couldn't move away, what is wrong with me? I watched as he let his hand rest on my thigh, sending tingles up my leg. I took in a deep breath as i closed my eyes thinking about Zayn and his touch but nothing came in mind as he was always hurting me. 

''A man that doesn't care about his husband, a man that likes to beat his husband, a man that's probably cheating on his husband, That kind of man.'' With that i smashed our lips together as his breath hitched, but he responded very quick. I let my hands cup his cheeks as he grabbed my hips a bit to rough but i'm use to that kind of shit anyways. I was soon lifted and put on top of his lap while he ran his hands down to cup my arse cheeks, i moaned into his warm minty mouth as he started leaving open mouth kisses down my neck. 

''Your so fucking beautiful, sexy, and damn i want to just fuck you right now.'' I let my hands run through his hair as i pulled at the roots earning a low growl escaping that man's mouth. ''Harry i lay down.'' I slowly hopped off Zac's lap while laying down on the large rug that was placed in our living in front of a nice fireplace. This always reminded me of a nice and peaceful cabin with nothing but the fire burning. 

''You going to come down here with me or just stand there looking lost?'' I smirked up at the man that was now rushing down to lay with me, he let his hands take over him as he started running them down my body. 

''Harry i don't want to take this to the next level yet, not until you go to lunch with me tomorrow?'' I looked to my side seeing Zac already sitting on the ground with his hands down on top of my chest. ''I'm not the type to take advantage of someone i like.'' I bit my lip trying to hold back the smile that wanted to break my face in half. He likes me? 

''I can try to meet you there but please don't think of it as dating Zac cause i'm a married man that shouldn't even be kissing someone else.'' I felt like crying since i've never ever cheated on Zayn in my life. I bit my lip as Zac cupped my cheeks giving me a smile and a quick nod. 

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