Chapter 31

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Slowly pealing my eyes open, i looked around the white boring room as i started to feel somewhat relieved that i wasn't back at home with Zayn and his abusive ways. I couldn't even move nor shed a tear, i felt as if my heart was beating even slower than before, my mind was in all kinds of places as i started to remember why i was here again. Remembering Zac and i having sex, Zayn walking in on us, him stabbing zac somewhere that i didn't know, attacking me with whatever it was he had in his hand...I'm assuming it was a knife since it felt like it. He wouldn't even let me speak, wouldn't let me move, wouldn't let me blink, he was animal on top of me with a knife that was covered in MY blood. I knew he was talking while brutely killing me in so many ways, but i didn't know what he was saying or why he was even talking. I knew he was....His lips were moving while angry tears ran down his tan face. He was so rough, not talking about in bed either but more like when he would get angry and beat me with his own two fist's that were used in most of his boxing practices back than. Looking around, i watched as people walked by my over sized window that had the curtains pulled back a bit, watching as the nurses smiled at one another, Children running down the halls while chasing each other with balloons in their tiny hands. I have always wanted to have kids.....with zayn, but thinking about it........He would have hurt them just as bad as he hurt me. Or....He would have changed his ways, whichever one works better in my head. Closing my eyes, i could hear the beeping of the machines that helped me breath, the beeping that kept me alive and helping me know that i have my hearing. 

''Ah good your awake Malik, We're just going to check your blood and the machines just to make sure everything is okay. So don't mind me, oh and um.....Liam? He was here but he said he'll be back in a few hours to come and see you once he get's done fixing something at his place. So....Just go ahead and poke at that red button on your left if you need anything, but we'll be coming in to check on you every 20 to 30 minutes since you shouldn't be moving a muscle anyways.'' I watched as the strange doctor started walking around the big room, looking at the machines and writing stuff down. I opened my mouth to try and speak but nothing came out, i wanted to cry but not cause i couldn't talk but because my throat was killing me. ''Oh take it easy there young man, you shouldn't be forcing yourself to do anything. You got lucky son, just make sure you stay put and i'll be right back with something cold for you to drink.'' With that, he walked out but not before pushing the door open even more. 

''Hello Mr. Malik, Sorry to intrude but i'm here to ask you some questions, if that's okay?'' Rolling my eyes, i knew the fucking detectives would come to me but can't they see that i can't even open my damn mouth? Looking at them like they were stupid, i groaned at them. Trying to point at the door in order for them to leave me alone and let me rest before Liam get's back. Wait.....Liam live's so far away from me though, so he left just to fix something at his place? That doesn't make sense at all. ''So Malik? Mind telling us what happened?'' Biting down at my lip that was stitched up since zayn literally slashed my lip apart. 

''Um Excuse me detectives? Can't you see that he's suppose to be resting? He's not even suppose to be awake right now. In order for him to heal, he needs to sleep and get tons of fluids. So if you don't mind, I'm not being rude but you two need to leave and not come back until further notice.'' I gaped at the older nurse as she glared at the two men that were looking at one another and silently apologizing for what they were doing. I wanted to jump up and hug her for that, but seeing that she just gave me a small smile and left without another word. Closing my eyes, now i must wait for Liam. I did miss him and all but i didn't want him seeing me like this....All beat up and ugly looking as if i was some ugly creature or whatever. Licking my lip and flinching from the pain. I just wish this was all a dream, that no one would have gotten hurt and i would have never moved into my own place. Sniffing a few times, i could feel ths snot plugging up my nose as i was having a hard time breathing. But maybe i'm just being to damn paranoid about everything that had just happened in a matter of hours. I told zayn i wanted a divorce, i told zayn i didn't want to be with him anymore because of the way he treated me and talked down like i was some dog to him. 

''Alrighty Malik, Your blood work is a bit better, haven't found any blood cloths like we did when you were first put in here. The machines seem to be working perfect, just don't freak yourself out to much yeah? Don't want anything going wrong son. Now, since those detectives snuck their way inside your room, right after we told them you weren't ready for questions. We're going to be watching your room a little more, and we'll come in when you get a visitor just to make sure you want a certain someone to see you, okay?'' Slowly nodding and looking back down at the white sheets. ''Okay kiddo, see you soon.'' 


I don't know what happened or where the fuck i am but all i know is that my head was killing me, i blinked a few times before the light in this random room shined in my face. I was tied down to a chair as i tried to move but having these itchy ropes wrapped around my wrist's and ankles wasn't helping at all. I started to feel myself wanting to puke as i looked around the room, it looked so abandoned and even the walls looked as if they were going to start oozing blood or some shit like that. They were just so nasty looking, not to mention the bed that seemed to be pushed up against a wooden door as if i was going to escape from this fucking chair in the first place. 

''Where the fuck am i?'' Whispering, i started moving around a bit more just to turn and face the other way. But no one.....Nothing was actually moving or whoever it was that put me in here, wasn't even in here. I tried to remember what had happened but all i could think about was harry and the knife. Did harry do this to me? No he couldn't have, because i put him in the hole that i had been digging up ever since his first pet had died. Not his cat that is....But the first pet we got when we moved here. Wait.....Where is here? Sniffing the thin air, the smell was just as bad as the walls in this room, this must be some cheap arse hotel. I have never seen anything like this before, nor have i been in a situation like this. ''Okay whoever the fuck has me tied to this fucking chair, better think twice and remove me from it before i really start to get angry. You mother fuckers don't know me so don't even think about testing my anger issues. Fucking bastards, you think this is some fucking joke? Well you know what? It isn't so stop acting like a prude and let me go.'' Gritting through my teeth, i could tell that a few of them were already chipping due to the pressure i was putting on them. I could have sworn i heard shuffling coming from behind me, looking over my shoulder....There was a dark figure standing in the corner of the room. To bad that it was shadowed over there, or i would have got a look at the faggot that was going to pay for bringing me here. Biting down on my lip and trying to hold back the anger boiling through my blood, i shuffled in this chair while trying to kick around. Ignoring the pain, i just wanted to get out of here and murder the prick. 

''You think you can get away that easily? I don't like you Zayn, and i never have. What you did to Niall set hate through my body, you have fucked with the wrong person and i should have killed your arse a long time ago if it wasn't for harry actually falling in love with your psycho arse. But now....I come to find out that you have put harry in the hospital but yet, trying to bury the poor lad. He's done so much for your selfish arse and this is how your going to repay him? He needs a man that'll treat him good, feed him home cooked dinners, bring him flowers everyday, and especially tell him that he's worth living. I'm going to make your life a living hell for what you have done to harry.'' I knew who that was......I just didn't want to believe it. But before i could say anything, there was a bag over my head and duck tape around my neck. I could feel myself suffocating as he taped the bottom of the bag that was placed over my head and tightened the rope around my wrist. Struggling, screaming, and crying......was all i could do until my life was going to end like this. Feeling his hands pat the top of my head, i watched as i tried to catch my breath...He was leaving. 

Stronger lover (Sequel to ''Creepy Neighbor'')Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang