Chapter 25

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''OH FUCK YES ZAC!'' I moaned out while letting him pound my arse from behind, i don't know what had gotten into us but.....After we had dropped zayn's shit out in the backyard since i wasn't that mean to have his shit thrown in the front were someone could have easily taken his stuff. ''Ugh....shit......that feels so good.....your cock....'' I couldn't even stop the moans that were coming out of me, having his cock buried inside my stretched arse. I had my head resting on zayn's pillow while my arse was high up in the air for Zac's liking. 

''Fuck you like that baby? You like my thick cock inside your tight arse? I would have thought zayn would have taken care of you but from the looks of it.......'' He couldn't even finish anything he was saying since he was now gripping my love handles while thrusting harder and faster inside my throbbing pink hole. Muffling my cries through the pillow, i didn't feel like shouting his name out while being fucked so good. He ran his hand down my spine, the one that wasn't holding onto my waist as he circled it around my hip just to grip at my leaking cock. ''Gonna let you cum first my love.'' He whispered in my ear while i felt the need to just thrust back just to have him spill inside of me first, i was always use to having zayn release first since he never let me cum at some points. 

''This feels so fucking good...'' Choking out through wet tears, it wasn't pain at all, but more like tears of happiness. This man is actually wanting me to have my release before he has his? I let out one last crackly moan while squirting all over the white sheets under zac and i, squeezing my eyes shut and breathing rapidly fast. Soon enough, i could feel the liquids of the other man cumming inside of me while he laid flat on my back just to regain his breathing as well. 

''Wow....that was amazing, you ok?'' Slowly nodding, i felt him pulling out with his soften cock. I didn't even feel like moving so i stayed with my arse in the air only feeling the warmth of his cum dripping out of my sore hole. ''Stay like that, i'm going to get a towel and clean you up baby. Be right back.'' I looked at the alarm clock seeing that it was indeed 7 in the fucking morning, we had been up all night just packing and cleaning up the house at the same time. Throwing old food out, packing some of the clothes i don't even use, hiding my savings, throwing out some of the trash that zayn stacked up in the garage, and of course throwing all zayn's shit outside in the back.... But making sure that it was hidden from anyone who likes snooping around back yards. I felt a small smile tugging my face as i thought about leaving the man who abused me, the man who would fuck me even if i didn't feel like, the man that is now locked up and gone for good. I could finally be happy without someone telling me what to do or how to live my life, i'm a free man for now until Zac and i decide what we want with one another. But for now, we're going to stick to being fuck buddies. 

''You take to long just to grab a towel love.'' I giggled while shaking my head, looking to the other side of the room i could see zac cleaning up the floor that we had thrown all our clothes on and of course made a mess with the beer we were drinking. 

''Sorry gorgeous, just cleaning real quick. And besides.....I like watching my cum drip out of you.'' He smirked while walking up behind me just to spread my cheeks, causing me to jerk forward and hiss from the cold air. ''Don't worry love, i'm not gonna touch you anymore than you want too. Just gonna clean you up and run you a warm bath ok?'' I nodded while finally feeling him release the towel and throwing it by the door, ''I'll be back.'' 

''I'm just gonna sit up and wait.'' shrugging my shoulders, i watched as he kissed my ankles than moved away to leave for the bathroom. Looking up at the ceiling, i could feel myself smile as i thought about zac and his smile, the way his eyes twinkle, the way he laughs at all my stupid jokes that zayn doesn't even care about, the way he touches my cold pale skin while taking his time with me. Licking over my lips, i closed my eyes just to imagine his mouth on mine.....His warm warm WARM lips around my-

 ''Ready for your bath beautiful?'' I looked up to see that he was now holding the door open while hearing the sounds of the water running, smirking to myself. I slowly made my way off the bed and walked carefully towards the blue eyed boy who waited for me to enter the bathroom. ''You look good naked as well, if only you can be that way forever.'' Chuckling to himself, i rolled my eyes while seeing the tub filled with hot steamy water and rose peddles that i didn't even know he had. ''Kind of saw those peddles under the sink when i was cleaning around the bathroom for you. Hope you don't mind me using them, they weren't even open.'' I shrugged my shoulders while slowly sitting in the warm tub.

''I don't mind, it's not like i was going to be using them anyways since zayn doesn't really like this shit in the tub. Are you going to join me or stand there naked and watching as i clean myself?'' Smirking up at the gaping man, i let the bubbles cover my bottom and half my top. ''Zac, you know the water isn't going to stay warm forever.'' Giggling while watching him rush to the tub and quickly getting in as well. I let him lean against the rub while i let my back rest against his sweaty chest. ''This feels good huh? All peaceful and quiet, no one disturbing us whats so ever.'' closing my eyes and letting the heat take over my numb body. 

''I like spending time with you harry, your an amazing person and i hope that this leads to more than just friends of benefits if you know what i mean.'' I felt him snaking his arms around my waist and having his chin rest on my shoulder. ''I like you a lot and i'd like to treat you like your the only person in the world. You never deserved to be treated the way you were when you were with zayn, but i bet i can treat you better.'' I licked over my dry lips while tasting the sweat that was dripping from my forehead. 

''We'll just have to see were things lead us love, i don't want to rush into anything and than have people thinking i'm using you as my rebound. Cause trust me, that's not what i want. I want us to take thing's slow and romantic.'' Leaning my head back some more just to feel his lips linger on the back of my sweaty neck. 

''I understand baby, anything for you. I don't want to rush you into doing something you don't want to, so if i ever make you feel uncomfortable or anything, than i want you to tell me.'' I nodded while placing my hands on top of his that were still planted around my waist. ''Sorry if i made the water to hot, i didn't think it would cause so much sweat.'' I could hear my cell phone going off next to the sink while groaning to myself. ''You want me to get that for you angel? I don't mind getting it, i need to get something to drink anyways.'' 

''Yeah just let me grab my towel or bathrobe and i'll be down in the kitchen in a few minutes, let me check my phone first.'' Getting up and grabbing at my robe that had 'Mr. Malik' stitched into it, i need to change my last name to my original soon. Looking down at my fogged up phone, it had stopped ringing. So slowly shrugging my shoulders, i turned to grab my lotion when my phone went off again. I don't know who's number this could be so should i answer it or no? Picking it up.

''Yes?'' Not knowing who this person is, i have never even seen this number before. Maybe it's one of zac's mates or family members since he used my phone earlier. I waited for this stranger to speak as i could hear them breathing really hard. 

''Harry? Baby boy is that you? Please listen to me love, i'm so fucking sorry for how i been treating you and everything i had said. Your my everything baby angel and i would do anything to make it up to you. I had never cheated on you nor would have ever thought about doing such a thing. Why would i even think about someone else when i have you my love? Your everything i could have asked for, you take care of me, you make me food when i don't even ask for it sometimes. Please please please my love, give me another chance. I swear on my life and your love that i will change and become the best husband anyone can ask for.'' I could hear sniffing while...Zayns....voice kept choking. I could feel the tears rimming my eyes as i started shaking uncontrollably. I wanted to hang up and never talk to him again but another part of me wanted to give him another chance. ''I love you harry always and forever, please just please....think about it.'' Squeezing my eyes shut, i hung up without saying anything else. I do miss him but i'm doing better without him in my life now and it's only been a few weeks. I'm not taking that chance. 

Stronger lover (Sequel to ''Creepy Neighbor'')Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora