Chapter 28

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After attacking my dear old little husband, i got up and examined his wounds, his swollen face, his twitching body, the blood that was puddled all around us. I looked around the room while panicking, shit what the fuck did i do? I can't go back to prison already. I gathered everything i can off from the bed while sniffing the sheets. And yes, they most certainly smelt like SEX. Biting down on my tongue, i glanced and at the boy on the floor who was gasping for air, he's still alive but i don't think he's going to live...Maybe a hour or two? I threw the blankets over his bleeding body while running down stairs to look for my clothes and the rest of my things, wait....Backyard of course. 

''This little shit thought he was slick to put all my shit out here in the rain?'' I was glad that it wasn't even sprinkling but what the fuck is wrong with that fucker? If anything got ruined than i swear to god i'm going to damage him more than he already is. Picking up a few boxes of mine and walking to the front were i seen my car that harry has been using, parked perfectly in the driveway. ''Now i need the fucking keys, just fucking great.'' Rolling my eyes, i set the boxes down next to the dirty wheels and ran inside for my car keys. I'm surprised that Zac lad didn't come back to do something.....Or maybe he went to call the cops on me. I wonder if he's the one that called them in the first place just to have me behind bars while he fucks my husband. Gritting my teeth, i grabbed at the keys that were hanging on the coat rack which was stupid since no one but harry actually hangs his ugly coats on this damn thing. 

''He-help'' I heard whimpering, holy shit......he can't be awake with how he looks right now. I jumped away from the coat rack while running up to our old room and slammed the door shut trying to scare the living shit out of him. But he didn't move once, i looked down at his wrecked body while clicking little pictures in my head just to remember the way he looks right now. His breathing was slower than before, i know if i take him to the hospital than he's going to tell them everything and i'm not going back to prison. Not for him nor anyone else, i kneeled down to were his head was....His hair was matted, face looking as if he was in some boxing match, naked and covered with purple gashing cuts, blood that was seeping through my white carpet, i could see the way his lips trembled and the way he tried to cry but nothing came out of his swollen shut eyes. 

''You should have just kept your fucking mouth shut harry, you should have never left me and told me about the stupid divorce, you should have stayed by my side. But most importantly, you should have never cheated on me with some guy i knew you had the hots for. Now look at you, your here alone, bleeding all over the place which i should beat you some more since i just got this carpet cleaned not to long ago. You skin is literally hanging off your ribs, i could see how they pop when you breath, i could see the nice color of them as well, all white and somewhat red from this nasty sticky blood that is only meant to come out of girls nasty body. Maybe....Maybe i'll take you to the emergency room but i'm afraid that you might snitch me out, your own fucking husband. But i have better things in mind my love.'' I stood straight up and admired my master piece. 

''P-p-please'' He choked out while coughing up a whole new wave of blood, stepping back a little. I grabbed some blankets from the closet while throwing them on the bed, along with a flash light, some lighters just in case the battery went out on the flash light. Shoving everything inside a empty bag and walking to the bathroom which i should probably hurry, just in case that little prick that left harry here to die, came back with help. 

''We're going on a little car ride for awhile, gonna be taking you somewhere but don't get to excited love. It's not a hospital, let's just say i don't want to go back to prison and your one reason that it might happen soon. So......just be quiet, which i don't think i have to tell you twice.'' Chuckling, i zipped up my bag and ran downstairs to get to my car. Looking around before actually going outside, no one was down the street, not even cars. It was getting pretty late though, so were could have zac gone? I've only stabbed him once before he got away, which means he probably passed out if i would have stabbed him somewhere like that chest or whatever. After packing shit in the trunk, i looked up at the sky. ''Why the fuck do you make things so fucking hard GOD, i thought you were suppose to help people, not make their lives worse.'' Groaning, i walked inside for some water and maybe to hide the knife that was used in the crime scene. Thinking about everything that had happened after getting married, i have treated him so good, so perfect, he should have seem honored to be with a man like me. But no, he wants to fuck around and piss me off some more. I didn't even realize i was already in the room until i stepped on something.....more like someone that is. 

''p-p-please z-'' Shutting him up by stomping on his chest, i watched as he cried out in pain. His head thrown back while he screamed out loud, he must be that stupid thinking that someone would come and help him. He started choking on his own blood, rolling my eyes. I bent down and gripped his cut up neck just to pick him up and toss him on the bed were i had the blankets sprawled out. 

''Let's get you all warmed up and ready to leave yeah?'' I started wrapping about five blankets along with two sheets around his cold body. His lips were trembling, reminding me that i should probably get my camera and take pictures of this. ''Remember when i first met you? Remember when i started taking pictures of you when you would shower, sleep, eat, even when you would wank off to whatever it was you were watching on your lovely laptop. I remember when i seen you smile, i fell in love so quick. I have never been that way before, i was so happy to talk to you, to see you up close, to have your attention on me at that one store, you were so calm, pretty. Never have i met someone like you, i did get jealous of that one cat you had bought for your old house, but once he was out of the picture, i could have sworn he was mocking me though.'' Chuckling while tying knots in the front of his body, i watched as he choked out more cries. 

''S-s-stop'' Laughing this time, i shook my head while gripping another blanket just to make sure his feet were tied tight enough. I'm sure his legs are broken though, seeing that he wouldn't move them at all. Patting his left cheek which i felt sink in, my eyebrows knitting together. I lifted my hand up again and felt his cheek once more, the way it was cold, the way the skin was already ripping off his face from the beating i caused him. 

''Your still beautiful, but why? Why do you make me so mad baby? Why do you like hurting me? Why do you like causing me so much stress? I have gave you food, a roof over your head, water, and love. But now look were that put you since you thought it would be smart to leave me for no fucking reason.'' Biting down on my lower lip, i picked up his practically dead body and walked down stairs and towards the car. already having the doors unlocked and ready for the ride, i placed him flat in the back seat while giving him one last look but not before snapping a picture of him and his lifeless face on my phone. ''Love you baby, always have and always will.'' Slamming the door shut, i hopped inside the driving side and started my way to the dump. I have planned this spot for months already, just in case i wanted to bury someone i didn't like but.........Harry here isn't going to make it and i'm not taking chances at all. Driving for over 30 minutes now, i came close to the place were no one had ever dared to look for anything, stopping the car. I have seen so many places behind this dump before, places that looked like the woods but really wasn't. Jumping out of the car and opening the back doors, there he was.....looking at me with pleading eyes, tears ready to fall...even though they were swollen but i could still see his pupils, those red eyes that were once green. I know i popped so much blood vessels but it's not my fault. ''I love you.'' I said again, picking him up and seeing that my car was now stained with blood. Carrying him bridal style, there it was.....The hole i would dig just to bury dead animals that i would buy harry just to get him to shut up. ''There's your new home my love.'' He tried to move but he couldn't, tried to speak again but all that came out was a choking sound. Closing my eyes, i set him down in the hole while grabbing my shovel. ''I love you.'' He tried to scream and break free from the blankets, but it was to late for him now...isn't it? Shoveling the dirt inside the hole. 

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