Chapter 19

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It has literally been a whole fucking week when they had told me Zayn was guilty for what he had done, i guess the guy that touched my arse at the club was sent to the hospital and still is in critical condition. I don't understand though, since i was there through the whole thing i didn't even notice that the guy that was getting his arse beat was badly beaten from Zayn. I mean Zayn didn't even take that long to kick his arse, so what the fuck is going on? I think those pigs called cops set this up, i think they want him in there just to torture him and make him say things that he hasn't even done. I groaned while letting my head hit the arm of the couch, here i am sitting here alone without my Zaynie. 

''I need someone to talk to and now.'' I pulled my phone out while looking for Liam's number, dialing and waiting for him to answer which was hard since i haven't heard from him in so fucking long just because of Zayn. 

''Hello? Harry is that you mate?'' I sniffed a few times trying to hold back the tears, i missed him so much that it's hard to hear his amazing voice that brought a smile to my face and tears to my green eyes. ''Harry are you ok? You called which means something had to have happened.'' He sounded worried now, i know Liam would always have my back no matter what. He was like the brother that i have never had before, i love this man to death which is why Zayn would get jealous but this is just brotherly love and nothing more.

''Yes Li, i'm fine thank you for asking. But it's been a week since the police had taken Zayn in and told me that they were going to set up a court date for him. But i think he's going to be in there for awhile, they're telling me that he had did some serious damage to this one guy at the club that zayn and i had went to. But i don't know what to do Li, i mean i love zayn but it's been a whole fucking week since my bruises healed and a whole week that my feelings weren't hurt.'' 

''Harry i think you should just leave Zayn and never go back, i mean i know you don't want to hear that and it's been a long time since you have but he murdered fucking niall. My baby and your best mate, have you ever thought about that haz?'' I choked out a sob while nodding my head slowly, i can't believe i never thought about this before. 

''I know Liam, i'm so so so sorry about all that. I never really thought about it since Zayn kept making me think about other things instead of my mates and family back at home. But he's different now Liam, you have to believe me. Niall is dead and there's no bringing him back but i'm truly sorry for him and you. I love you Liam and i'll do anything to bring back the past but i can't, i'm locked in the present. But no i'm not leaving Zayn.....Yet that is.'' I looked around the living room while having my eyes land on the picture on the wall that was held up by one nail. A picture of Zayn and i kissing under an old looking oak tree with our sweaters on and the moon shining above our heads.

''I know your sorry Harry but this is not your fault at all, if it wasn't for me and niall telling you that you should just move somewhere far enough to be closer to what you want, than none of this bullshit would have happened and you would be here happy and free while niall and i would have been married by now.'' I could tell Liam was close to crying, as he kept choking back a few words here and there. 

''If you want, just come over in a few days since we don't live as close as we use to mate. I miss you and i hope thing's get better for you Liam. Just know that i'm always going to be here for you even though we're like hours away from one another but that won't stop two mates seeing one another right?'' I chuckled through tears thinking about zayn and his touch. Not just his touch but the touch he would use against me with his fist's and hard slaps. 

''I'll be there on Friday so i can spend the weekend with you mate, but get some rest and i'm sure Zayn is fine just were he is. I love you and please be careful with who you hang out with, i don't want you getting hurt or even yelled at by your husband. Even saying that word makes my skin crawl, but night harry.'' I didn't even have time to say anything back as the other line went dead.

''Love you too Li, i'm sorry mate.'' I whispered through the phone even though i know Liam isn't on anymore but i still needed to let it out and towards the phone. I put my device down while looking up at the ceiling, i wish i could have changed the past just to save a friend and lose a husband. I made up my mind, and you know what? I'm glad that Zayn is locked up, it gives me time to be myself and do thing i like without getting bitched at for it. I let out a sobby chuckle while letting the tears leave my eyes, finally i get peace and quiet. I closed my eyes letting the dark take over just to have a nice nap without being woken up by a drunken Zayn that would wake me up just for sex....if you can call it that. It was usually more like rape since i didn't want to do it in the first place. I made sure to pull the warm blankets above my body and up to my chin getting more comfortable, as soon as i felt myself falling into sleep. The door was being banged on, what the this time? I got up while dragging my feet against the rug that was placed on the floor, who ever this is just fucked my nap up. Pulling the door open only to reveal Zac?

''Hey Harry, can we talk please? I want to apologize for what happened and if your ok with what was going on?'' I blinked the sleep out of my eyes just to make sure i was seeing the right man. 

''Zac you fucking ditched me at the club, i thought you were going to defend me with Zayn but you didn't. You left me to deal with him by myself even though you were the one that decided to go inside and hang out.'' I crossed my arms trying to hold back the angry tears that wanted to fall from my eyes. I had enough crying today, i don't need this anymore. ''What do you have to say for yourself? Oh and the fact that the cops said someone called them and told them that i was being abused. Was that you?'' 

''Harry please just listen, i would never call the cops and tell them anything personal about you nor your husband. And i'm truly sorry for leaving you, it's just i didn't think Zayn would do anything to you in the club since people were around and watching the actions going on. I waited outside, did you not see me when you ran out after zayn? I would never screw you over, ever. I respect you to much to hurt you, i care about you and your feelings. Your a good person and i would never want to do anything to lose you.''

''Wait you were still there? Than how come you didn't help me stop the police when they were taking him away?'' He bit his lip while shivering from the cold air that was blowing at the side of his head, i watched as it blew his hair out of his face. ''Um come in first, having the door open to long is making my nipples sharper than knives.'' I chuckled while watching him look down at my white shirt only to bite down on his lip. 

''Um not that anyone is complaining about the sight but ok.'' He licked his now purple lips while stepping inside and going over to the couch that held my two fuzzy blankets and one pillow. ''So yeah um, i'm really sorry for what happened and yes i seen them taking zayn but it wasn't any of my business to interfere with it harry. You have to understand.'' I looked into those pleading eyes as i gave in, nodding my head slowly while gently pulling at my hair. 

''Ok well,  i guess i could use a friend to talk to right now. I mean i just got off the phone with one but i needed one here to comfort and hold me.'' I bit my lip placing my arse down on the cushion next to zac only to feel his arms bringing me closer. Zayn and i have never cuddled in so long that it feels good to feel someone holding me like they care.

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