Chapter 23

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It had been three days since i last talked to Zayn and three days since i last saw his cheating arse. I've been home most of the time talking to Lima and having Zac over just to talk about my problems, he's been the best person so far. Listening to me ramble on and on about being cheated on and cry on his shoulder about the feelings i use to have towards zayn and now all that going down the drain since he admitted to me about cheating. I can't believe he had the balls to even say that to me, i mean i'm glad i know the truth now but damn.....I just wanted him to tell me once he got out that way i wouldn't be here crying my eyes out and getting zach's t-shirt all wet and nasty. 

''Hey now, Just calm down and let's do something. Would you want to go out and get some junk food? Than watch some stupid sappy movies that make you smile? Than we can prank call my room mates at my place.'' I shook my head not wanting to do anything but lay here and cry like the baby i am, ''Look, you sitting here thinking about it is going to stress you to the point where your going to need to be sent to some mental home. Don't let a man bring you down, your free now Harry and you don't have to worry about being treated like shit anymore. Think about that, think about how you can go out whenever, talk to whoever, say anything without getting hit.'' I sniffed a few times before looking up at Zac who stood by the door way of my kitchen with a bottle of water in his hand and cell in his other. 

''Zac you don't understand though, i love him and i still do but everything he has done to me is just going to far. But how can i stop loving someone so horrible and gross when all they do is hurt me so many fucking times. I can't stop loving him, even though he cheated on me. But i don't even know if this is the first time he has or not. I'm so done with his arse though, i'm already getting the divorce papers tomorrow so i was wondering if you can drive me to court and pick them up?'' I asked while wiping my sore eyes with the sleeve of my sweater. 

''You know i would Harry, just please be strong for yourself and show others that are dealing with abusive relationships that they can be strong as well. But yes, i'll take you tomorrow. What time?'' This time he was walking in just to sit himself at the edge of my messy bed. I'm going to get these papers done and move out along with all my shit, i think i'm going to be living with Liam too. 

''I don't know, maybe around seven if that's alright with you. I don't want to be to much trouble with the rides and the distance crap. But thank you again Zac.'' I got up while hugging him tight to my beating chest, ''Thank you for being here for me when no one else was around, the only other person that is would be my best mate Liam but he lives to far.'' I chuckled while shaking my head and kissing the side of Zac's. 

''That's no problem at all, but get some rest and i'll go home and put some gas in the car. Than afterwards we can hang out after i help you with the divorce stuff ok?'' Quickly nodding, i released him and grabbed at my cell just to let Liam know what's going to be happening. ''Be careful and sleep safe Harry, don't do anything stupid either.'' 

''Oh shut up Zac, i'm not suicidal so you don't have to worry about me at all. Just go home and do what you said you were going to do, i'm going to give my mate a call and tell him everything.'' Shrugging my shoulders, i felt a pair of soft warm lips touching mine. Closing my eyes as i got to much into the kiss, i cupped his cheeks while having my phone stuck in between my hand and his left cheek. ''I care about you so much Harry, hopefully one day we can actually be together after all your drama. But that's up to you, cause i already know what i want.'' He smiled into the kiss while pulling away and leaving me alone in my room. 

''Well that was sweet, what was i going to do again?'' I mumbled while knitting my eyebrows together, looking down at my cell. I started laughing to myself as i got lost into the kiss that i nearly forgot to call my mate. Dialing his number, i waited for the man to pick up. 

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