Chapter 14

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The sunlight from behind the white curtains started hitting me in the face as i groaned, i hated morning's since i really don't like getting up and making breakfast this early. I turned on the bed as i was met with the most gorgeous man in the world, my zayn, the man that made love to me and only love, without the hurting but yet it was my fault why i was hurting since i wanted to be needy at the time. He still made love to me though, i couldn't help but smile at him. I brought my right hand up to gently stroke his soft cheek, he's so peaceful when he sleeps and that's what  i love the most about him. 

''I love you zayn always and forever, till the day we both die.'' I pecked his pouty looking lips as i got up stretching hoping to pop the muscles in my back and get rid of this god awful pain shooting down my spine. But i'm use to it all already since we don't go a day without fucking. Even if i'm not up for it, he is and what he wants he get's. I let my tongue glide out of my mouth and above my bottom lip just to get it all wet and not so chappy. 

''Lay back down baby, i'm not going to get up for another few hours so just cuddle yea?'' I looked down at a half lidded eyed man who looked so beautiful like that, shrugging my shoulders and laying my head down on his beating chest. ''Well if you need to use the loo than go for it but come back and lay down so i can talk to you alright?'' I looked up from having my head on his chest, i loved his heart beats. 

''Um i don't need to use the loo yet so go ahead and tell me what you need to.'' I let my hand fall on top of his chest only to trace his tattoos, i love everything about this man but the only thing i don't fancy so much is his abusive side. 

''Ok so where to start, Let me just say that you were amazing baby and i can't help but think about having you for the rest of my life.'' I smiled while kissing the side of his chest, i started nipping at the skin just above his rib cage only to have him sit up and pull me closer to his body. I licked my lips as i just realized we were still naked but there's nothing different about it anyways since we're always naked together when it comes to sleeping or even staying home all day. ''But.......Let me say something that you might deny, but if i find out that your lying to me than we're gonna have some serious problems.'' He started to squeeze tighter around my body as i squeezed my eyes shut hoping he wouldn't ask about zac. 

''Zayn you know i wouldn't lie to you about anything nor would i ever hurt you in any way.'' I tried to stay calm as he loosened a little just so i can breath. 

''Are you cheating on me? Or is it just the fact that i'm thinking this just because sometimes you don't show me that you love me enough to prove to me that you would never cheat?'' I was taken back, sitting up without his grip around me was better than sitting here. 

''Zayn i love you to much to fucking hurt you, i love you so much that it's hard to even leave you nor think about another man sleeping with me. But maybe the reason why i don't show much love is because your always out drinking, smoking, or hanging with your stupid mates.'' I choked out while looking at zayn who was now glaring at me with those cold eyes. ''M'sorry but i just feel like some booty call to you.'' I looked down pulling the sheets closer to my naked chest. 

''Your really going to start shit with me right now? Are you fucking serious about everything you just fucking said? You really want to piss me off today or what?'' He started sounding more and more angry as i bit my lip trying to hold back the sobs that wanted to escape. ''ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID! DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING HURT YOU?!'' He started screaming while jumping out of bed and rushing to the dresser for something, i watched his movement as he pulled out a belt......a belt?! 

''Z-zayn pl-please i'm so-sorry but you treat your mates better than you treat me.'' I sniffed while looking up at him with pleading eyes but only received a smack to the face with that thick leather belt that i knew was going to leave a mark. 

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