Chapter 24

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Sitting alone in my cell was so fucking depressing for me, i mean....Yeah i know it was wrong for me to lie like that to harry, my own fucking husband. But he pissed me off to the point were i needed to hurt him emotionally since i couldn't touch him. I never had sex with another guy in here, i never even touched another man ever since getting with harry. I love harry and only harry, he's my world but yet....I hurt him to much because i'm scared of losing him in so many ways. I've tried to call twice already, but he hasn't even answered the phone for me. I already felt so lost and hurt, knowing that harry is probably at home crying his poor green eyes out. I fucked up, i should have just been nice to him and told him how much my love has grown for the younger lad. I can't believe my mouth, i say shit like that when i'm only mad. Groaning, i banged my head softly against the cell walls while squeezing my eyes shut just to think about my husbands smile, his laugh, his dimples, his long hair, his voice, his eyelashes, his hands, everything about him is just so fucking pretty. Anyone would die to have my baby but yet here i am with the trophy. Anyone would have treated him better than the way i do, but yet he still chose me in the end. 

''I hate hurting the love of my life but he needs to know who the man in this damn marriage is. If he gets out of hand than who's going to put him back in place? Who's going to tell him what he's doing is wrong and half that stuff he does is right? Who's going to save him from getting hurt? Who's going to help him cook? Help him clean? That's right....I am because i'm part of his everyday life style now.'' Here i am talking and thinking to myself, i've been doing that a lot lately ever since harry had left and saying that we were done. I was so mad after he left, i actually bit myself so hard that i've torn the skin on my arm just to prove my point. 

''Keep it down in there Malik, don't want to wake up any of the other inmates. Just be good and you'll be able to talk to the judge and your lawyer tomorrow morning again.'' The man that hasn't really gotten on my nerves was now talking to me. Rolling my eyes, i huffed out while throwing myself on top of my lonely messy bed. ''You'll get out of here soon kid, don't sweat it much.'' I looked over at the cop who was giving me a quick wink while going back to the files that were placed on that old looking wooden desk of his. Now he's pretty cool, he's the only one who hasn't thrown any rude comment at me, he hasn't even gave me any negative feelings about getting out. 

''I just miss my baby is all, i just really need to get out and take care of him.'' I mumbled while putting my hands behind my head and looking up at the ceiling. 

''You will soon, i'm sure their just going to have you pay the guy you beat up at the bar and then leave you alone for awhile until you end up back in here for something else.'' I was glad they didn't arrest me for the prison escape, i mean these people don't know half my story anyways. I sat up looking at the man with his feet on the desk and the files in his hand, i wonder why he's being so nice to me. 

''Why are you being nice? Shouldn't you be an arse just like the others?'' He slowly sat the files down while looking straight into my eyes, not blinking. He stood up and walked over to the door that was open just in case any other cops wanted to come in and take over his position. 

''I'm not like the others, and seeing that you have made a bunch of mistakes, i think everyone deserves a chance mate. Your a married man but yet your hurting the one you love, from what you have been saying. I do feel bad and all but you should really consider on changing your ways if you get out of this place. Maybe it'll teach you a lesson, don't want to be in here for the rest of your life while your husband is out there thinking you really did cheat on him. I would hate to see marriages break up and people going straight for depression all because of their mistakes. Just keep in mind.....Don't let him go, i seen the way he looked at you when he came in. He loves you and you saying something like that is leading to divorce.'' I took in everything he was saying to me while looking at the floor. 

''I love him with all my heart and soul, i just say shit to piss him off when i'm mad. But i would never ever cheat on him, we made a vow to stay faithful towards one another. I told him i was going to never hurt him and i would always be there to protect him from the bad. But he's not even answering any of my calls and now i feel like he's giving up on me.'' I sniffed a few times trying to hols back my sobs, i don't cry and i never will. So these people better not think that this is why i'm here for. 

''Try giving him a call on my cell in a few minutes, i have to go get some coffee. Looks like i'm staying over time since no one else is really around to take care of you guys.'' I slowly nodded while watching him walk off into the distance of the door. 

''What the fuck am i going to do with myself afterwards? What if i end up hurting him again? I know i will since i tell myself everyday that i'm going to treat him like he's the only person in the world but yet there i go. Always leaving him home when i go out with my mates and drink, always smoking when he tells me to stop because he doesn't want to lose me, all he's been doing was caring and loving me like i'm suppose to be doing to him.'' I looked down with my hands on my lap and the wedding ring on my finger being the only thing to shine. I'm so sorry baby, and i know i say that a lot but i can't help it that i'm crazy sometimes. 

''Well i'm here for the rest of the night, so you want to use the cell or no?'' I didn't even hear him coming in but i'm glad that he did or i would have just went to bed all upset and probably crying which i don't do often. 

''Yes, and thanks man.'' I got up and reached for the device he was sliding through the bars of the cell, grabbing at it. I dialed my husbands number while waiting for someone to pick up, Oh but someone did pick up and let's just say it wasn't my baby at all. 

''Hello? Harry isn't here right now, he's in the shower. So please leave a message, or just tell me what you want and i'll let him know.'' I knew that voice from anywhere, that fucking annoying voice that belonged to the fucking prick that keeps trying to steal my harry from me. ''Hello? Is anyone there or what?'' Snapping from my thoughts, i took a deep breath. 

''Who the hell do you think you are being at my house without my permission? And why the fuck do you have harry's fucking phone while he's in the shower? Are you in the same fucking room as him while he's in my bathroom? I swear to god if your thinking about touching or flirting with my husband than i'm going to slit your throat and watch you bleed to death you fucking arsehole.'' I gritted through my teeth while looking up to see the cop already watching me with confusion written on his face. 

''From what i'm hearing is that you cheated on harry and yet your getting mad because he has a friend at HIS house? This isn't just your house mate, harry's name is under the contract as well. I would know because i checked, and another thing.....Harry's got divorce papers that he's already signed. I took him to get them, so be ready to be a lonely man. By the way, i am in Harry's room along with the attached bathroom and let me just say that his arse looks good. But i'll make sure to take good care of him while your gone and out of the picture, oh and another thing.....Harry and i already packed your shit up and you should be moving out once your free to go. He's also getting a restraining order on you too. So good luck with your new life and fucking who ever you want while your single.'' He hung up after giving me this whole fucked up speech, Harry's fucking leaving me? 

''WHAT THE FUCK!'' I screamed while throwing the phone on my bed and gripping at my hair trying to contain the tears which worked. 

''Everything ok?'' I looked at the man who was being nice to me other than these people in here, shaking my head. 

''Harry's fucking divorcing me and kicking me out of my house, please i need to be let free so i can make things right again. I can't lose him for good.'' I mumbled, the man slowly nodded while patting me on the back and taking his phone with him as he sat down in his chair. 

''They'll let you free tomorrow morning, than i'll drive you to your house and you can talk to your husband.'' I didn't even have anything to say after he said that, i just needed something to say and i needed to come up with something that'll bring harry back into my arms. 

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