Chapter 9

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Leaving the house without another look was all i needed before i started beating the fuck out of that boy. I took a deep breath while jumping inside my car and driving off to god know's where, i bit my lip squeezing my eyes shut tight after stopping at a stop sign. Why the fuck does everything have to happen to me? What have i done so wrong in order to deserve such punishment? I groaned feeling my headache worsen from all this damn thinking. Maybe i should just stop at a park for awhile and chill before i end up hurting myself. As i spotted a free parking spot, i smiled to myself as i parked and exited the damn thing. 

''Hello would you like to buy a few home made necklaces for my grandma's charity?'' I looked down to see a little girl who looked about 10 maybe? I gave her a stern look while kneeling down to be at her height. 

''I don't buy shit from anyone but the people that sale my drugs, so run along before i hurt you.'' With that i stood straight up while giving her one last smile and walking to the bench that was spray painted white with black dots, wonder why but who cares. As i sat down looking up at the clear sky and how everything seemed to be at peace, i couldn't shake the thought's of my husband, my baby, my man at home. Was she cheating on me? Is he secretly seeing someone else behind my back? I shrugged the thoughts out of my head as i seen a strange man sitting across the park looking down at his phone. He seemed to be lost for some reason. Maybe i should have left the phone at home for harry just in case something bad happens, or maybe i should have had him right by my side just in case he cheats on me while home alone. I threw my head back from all these negative thoughts and stood up on my two shaky legs that seemed to have wanted to give out but me being the boss and stronger than i come off to be, i walked away like a boss. 

''Excuse me sir?'' I looked to my side seeing that man that was just across from me but now right beside my figure. What the fuck...How did he get here without me even hearing his steps? ''I was wondering you had a pen i could borrow or maybe something i could right with?'' I chuckled while shaking my head from side to side. 

''Do i look like a fucking store to you or maybe someone that like's to carry stupid shit like that around?'' I crossed my arms while looking him in his blue eyes, this guy looks so fucking familiar but who is he? ''Wait don't you work at a fucking store?'' With that he bit his lip nodding his head really slow. 

''Yes i do, Names Zac but everyone calls me Z.'' He pulled his hand out of his pocket and held it up for me to shake, looking down at his germ-ed hand and back up at his stupid face. I laughed like this was all some funny joke, does this guy think i'm seriously this friendly? 

''I'm not going to say it's nice to meet you cause really, i don't give a fuck zac so talk to me again and you'll be on the floor wishing you didn't ask for a stupid arse pen.'' As i let the few words leave my mouth, i walked away knowing that this crazy stranger would leave me alone without asking for anything else. 

10 minutes later

Finally walking inside my quiet house without a harry asking where i was or how i am, i couldn't shake the thoughts of him in our room being pounded by someone else with a bigger cock than mine. I slowly placed my car keys down on the counter as i shook off my shoes and made my way to the stairs that never seemed to creak when i walked on them. I heard nothing but the small sounds of a piano, was that my harry? I walked closer and closer to where the sound was coming from and of course it was coming from the room we call our library. 

''Hey baby, your still up?'' I asked while entering the room that only had a lap on, harry jumped a bit but slowly calmed himself realizing it was just me. ''Your playing beautifully babe.'' I sat beside his warm looking body since he was only wearing a robe, but not just any robe. The robe i had bought him for his birthday last year. 

''Thank you sweety, so how was your drive?'' I looked to see he was still facing the keys, i can't get mad at him for asking now can i? I bit my lip placing my hand on his soft, tanned thigh only to feel the need to bend him over this damn piano and fuck him like no other. 

''It was fine, just calming i guess and running into some guy that was annoying the fuck out of me.'' I chuckled while catching harry's attention only for him to give me that dimpled smile that always brought joy to my heart. I know i hurt him but that's just cause i love him to damn much. ''You know i love you baby?'' 

''I know and i love you to zayn, so very much that it hurts to even think about living without you.'' I felt him move from my grip that was holding onto his thigh, but only to have him sitting on my lap face to face, hot breath hitting each other's mouth's as he started to grind down on my clothed cock. I could see the butterfly tattoo that was peaking it's way from the robe, as the swallows wanted to be shown as well. 

''I'm going to take you out tomorrow, but more like taking you out to where you want to go yea?'' I watched as his smile grew wider and his eyes sparkled under the dim light from the damn lap. ''How about the bar you've wanted to go to since moving here?'' Was all i said before stopping myself from speaking. 

''Zayn i would love to go there, as long as your ok with it that is.'' He put his head in the crook of my neck while kissing my pulsing vein. I could feel myself getting hot, hard, and of course the moan that was restraining itself in the back of my throat wanted to be released from all this damn friction harry was causing. 

''As long as nobody touches or looks at my baby like he's their's than i'm all good.'' With that our lips met, our hands roaming everywhere they can as i let mine fall down under his robe only to grope at his soft arse. I could feel him getting hard as i started to spread his arse cheeks just, ''Unzip me baby, i'm going to put myself inside your tight heated hole without prep ok?'' 

''Yes daddy.'' With that he was already unzipping my jeans as he fumbled with my cock, as he finally had it under control which was weird since he was shaking but why? I backed up a bit only to remove his robe, something seemed off with him. ''Daddy can we do this later, i don't think i'm in the mood right now.'' With that i snapped, i can't believe he would put his fucking needs before mine. 

''NO!'' I screamed in his face while grabbing him from behind the neck in order to bring his face closer to mine. ''You ever fucking tell me NO than i will personally rip your fucking throat out, do you understand?'' With that i released his neck and watched as he was gasping for air. I didn't even grab him that hard so why is he acting like a baby? I rolled my eyes as i motioned him to sit on my lap so i could get this sex over with and drink a cold beer.

''Sorry da-daddy.'' He sobbed out while letting his robe fall to the floor, i watched as his body moved to sit on top of my cock, the smooth skin of his making me want to just lick his body up and down. 

''Now let's have some fun, and don't ever talk back to daddy again or there will be consequences.'' As i talked through the rules i couldn't take the throbbing that was going on through my pulsing dick. So without warning him, i thrust-ed up while he screamed out in pain. Yes i know it's painful for him but i'm the one that had surgery, not him so he better take it like a man and let me do what i want since i'm the one in pain here. 

''Z-zayn st-stop yo-your hu-hurting me.'' He cried out while placing his hands on my shoulders, but i knew the sex wasn't on my mind but the thing that was, was him telling me what to do right when i told him never to talk down at me like that. Without another word i slammed him down on top of the piano fucking into him while putting my hands around his skinny neck. 

''I SAID NEVER TO TALK TO ME LIKE YOUR THE BOSS!'' I screamed in his red face, making sure he understood this time. He put his hands on top of where mine were planted on his neck, he tried to intake some air, he tried to push me off, i could feel the wetness on my cock as i looked down to see that he was indeed bleeding from his tight hole. As soon as i saw that blood, i let myself release mixing the blood and cum together, smiling down at the color which was turning into a light color of pink. After riding out my orgasm and hearing the cries coming from the boy under me, the door bell decided to ring as i pulled out and yanking my pants to cover up. ''Clean up while i get the damn door.'' With that i left the room filled with muffled cries, who could be at the fucking door while everyone know's not to be coming over?

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