Chapter 20

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I was to deep in thought to be hearing anything Zac has been trying to tell me, i mean zayn would go out without me and than say he'd be back in the morning but usually comes home when ever he's drunk. Does he have another man or woman on the side instead of just sticking with me? Or is he doing one night stands which is the reason he doesn't want to make love but to rape me whenever he wants? I looked over at Zac who was looking straight at me with worry written all over his gorgeous face. 

''Zac can i ask you a question? I mean i know you wouldn't mind but do you think Zayn has been cheating on me?'' I had to ask, i don't like being played and having to be married to a man that might have been cheating on me, just plain out hurts. ''I mean like, remember i told you that he use to go out with his mates and never come back until like later at night? Like he would come walking through the door drunk as fuck without telling me one word.'' I looked down at my lap while trying to not cry, i have fallen in love with the man that was stalking me and now here i am feeling like fucking shit.

''To be honest Harry, I don't want to tell you something that might not be true. But i think he's just stressed out about the whole surgery thing and maybe just not working i guess. I'm not taking his side or anything but i'm just saying anything that's on my mind right now. I care about you and your feelings to let you know what you need to know, your a good person and very beautiful which is why i don't see what would have him cheating on you at all.'' He wrapped his arm tightly around me again while looking down at my lips than back up at my blurry eyes that were clouded with tears. 

'' didn't see when he was flirting with that one girl at the club? Did you not see him touching her and looking down like she was some angel above?'' This time i couldn't hold back the tears, i started sobbing while letting myself rest on Zac's chest. 

''Shh hey it's ok harry, i bet he was just mad at the fact that you left him at the club to hang out with me. But don't worry, i think he does things on purpose just to get your attention.'' I snapped my head up while glaring strongly at the man that was suppose to help me but instead he's just sounding as if he's taking zayn's side. 

''Are you serious right now zac? So if i don't fucking help him with a hand job or tell him i love him every fucking day than he has the right to go cheat on me like that? Are you saying that he has the right to do whatever he wants like fucking other people if i don't do as he wishes? Wow out of all people in the world i thought you would be the one to understand me zac, i thought you were my friend but turns out your just another one of those horny men out there that just want's inside someones pants.'' I tried to get up but was brought back down with zac wrapping his arm around my waist this time. 

''No please harry i didn't mean it like that, not at all. I was just trying to make you feel better cause i don't like seeing you all sad. But that came out wrong, what i meant is that he is probably not even cheating and the only time it looks like he's about to is in front of you just to get your attention.'' I looked down just to see that he has still kept his grip around my waist, letting one more shaky breath out. I sat down just to let my head fall back and letting my eyes close themselves. ''I'm sorry for everything you have went through harry, if only i could do anything to help.''

''You have been helping zac so don't worry about it love, i'm just hurt that zayn would even do anything like that. I shouldn't love him but i do, i shouldn't be with him but i am, i should have left when i had the chance but i stayed just for him. I have never been treated so horrible in my life, i loved him and he never really proved his love to me but buying me fucking girl panties, girl bra's.....Did you know he fucking says i have tits now? Like who the fuck tell's they're damn lover something so hurtful?'' I was on the verge of a fresh new pair of tears but zac just chuckled while shaking his head.

''Harry even if you did have a pair, that just makes you more attractive in a way. But don't let something like that bring you down when your perfect yourself.'' I sniffed a few times while looking down at my chest just to see the shirt that i have been wearing almost all day, i bit my lip looking back up just to catch him staring as well.

''Would you like to see them than?'' Was all i said before standing back up and in front of the man who was slowly nodding but never taking his eyes off my chest. ''But no touching, just looking.'' I gave him an innocent look while slowly turning around so my arse was facing him instead, i could feel his eyes burning into my body as i slowly removed my shirt. 

''You have an amazing back harry, the muscles flexing with every movement babe.'' I closed my eyes while covering my man tits with my hands and turning just to be faced with the man i'm about to show my body off to. ''Damn, move your hands so i can see them love. So many lovely tattoos, fuckable love handle, damn your just perfect everywhere.''

''Be patient love, you'll see them soon but first i want to sit on your lap. May i sit on your lap?'' I moved closer while having him sit back against the couch again, his hands patting down on his lap while i dropped myself down just to be seated comfortably. He kept trailing his eyes down my body while licking his lips. ''Ready? And use your words.'' 

''Yes i want to see them now,'' Was all he said before i moved my hands away and started sitting up straight just to have him biting down on his bottom lip. ''Th-their amazing, c-can i pl-please tou-touch them?'' I thought about it for a moment before grabbing both his trembling hands. 

''You can touch now, but not so rough darling.'' I closed my eyes while leaning my head back were my face was now facing the ceiling, letting go of his hands just to let him control himself. I felt his slightly bigger yet a little rougher hands grope at my tits. I know it's stupid to call them that but that's what Zayn has been calling my...i guess man boobs since i have gained a little weight just by staying home most of the time if i'm not at work. When i'm upset i eat, when i'm mad i eat, when i'm bored i eat, it's like everything i do just doesn't help so i eat just like that. I looked down seeing that his face was inches away from my left nipple, he was now licking his lips. 

''Can i.....Can i suck on them?'' I bit my lip thinking back on how Zayn use to act like he was my baby while i was his mum, he would always role play which never surprised me. I nodded without saying anything else, watching as he wrapped his lips around my nipple just to suck and bite softly. Lifting my hand up just to put behind his head, i couldn't stop thinking back on that one day when zayn had told me he wanted to role play as him being my baby while i breast fed him like some mother. Me saying yes even though i had no choice, me sitting on the bed while i held zayn's head, him sucking harder than he started off with, i remember looking down and seeing that he broke the skin just a little, i remember him not caring that i was bleeding since he was into the whole mother/baby thing, acting as if the blood was milk. 

''Suck like you mean it zac or i'm never going to let you touch my tits again.'' I threw my head back once more just to let out a throaty moan, this is it. I'm fucking hard as hell while the man that isn't my husband sucked like his life depended on it. To this day i than realized how much i love my tits being sucked on, looking back down to see zac with his eyes closed, squeezing my man boob, sucking only to have bruises later. I'm going to give it up to him tonight, if zayn can fuck with others than i'm going to as well. ''Fuck me zac, fuck me on mine and zayns bed, show me everything you got if you so badly want me than show me love. I want you to work that mouth on something else though.'' I smirked while looking into those blue eyes, he pulled off while the saliva in his mouth trailed after him since it was dripping down my nipple. ''Zayn likes to eat me out, would you want to?'' 

''F-fuck ye-yes.'' He stuttered while i hopped off just to slide my bottoms down to reveal the light colored thong, shaking my arse a little just to get more of his attention. 

''You like them? I bought them a few days ago just to surprise Zayn when he got home but that's when he went all ape crazy on me, so your lucky love.'' I bit back a smile while standing naked....not just naked but with my pink colored thongs just to have a small strip tease. ''Follow me upstairs.'' I walked away while thinking back at zayn, what if he found out i was about to let another man fuck me? He would already be pissed off that i let another man suck my nipple though so it's to late to back out. 

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