Chapter 36

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            It was another day in the SnowClan camp, and Lifepaw sat out in camp, sharing a squirrel with Goosepaw. She had graciously been given the day off by Tinypelt, leaving her to spend the day with Goosepaw.

            Goosepaw grinned at her as he took a bite of the squirrel. They'd grown closer since his confession of love, though she still had enough time to share with Marshpaw and Ripplepaw. Often thoughts would cross her brain of her and Goosepaw becoming mates, them having kits. They were stupid thoughts, but she couldn't help herself.

            Lifepaw's father didn't seem to notice whatsoever. Lifepaw had tried countlessly to tell Patchfur herself, but he often found he did not have time for her troubles. Even Mousestripe was too busy helping Thornstar to listen to her. Then, she had tried to talk to Stormnight and Graytail, but Stormnight was a father, and Graytail had a mate of his own, leaving Lifepaw to wish her mother was alive even more.

            "Muscles sore?" Goosepaw asked as Lifepaw stretched.

            "A little," she admitted.

            The day prior, Goosepaw, Lifepaw, and Marshpaw had all been training roughly as they practiced battle moves. Their apprentice exam would take place very soon, so hard practice was necessary if they were to become warriors.

            "Hey there, lovebirds!" Marshpaw teased as he padded over.

            Lifepaw rolled her eyes and glanced up at the tom. "And what are you up to, Marshpaw?" she asked.

            "Nothing much. I kind of wish I wasn't given the day off. It's incredibly boring. Have any of you seen Blueocean? I can't find her anywhere!" Marshpaw exclaimed.

            "She's probably on patrol or hunting," Goosepaw told him. "She doesn't always have time for your troubles, Marshpaw."

            Marshpaw grinned and sat down next to them. "So, was I interrupting something?"

            Unlike Lifepaw's family, Marshpaw and Ripplepaw were fairly aware of the romance going on between Goosepaw and Lifepaw, often teasing them about it.

            "We were just sharing a squirrel," Goosepaw explained.

            "How romantic!" Marshpaw gasped.

            Lifepaw rolled her eyes and sat up. She was about to tell Goosepaw she was going to talk to Mousestripe when a cry of cats sounded from the entrance of the camp.

            Simultaneously, they all turned towards the entrance, watching as the cats from patrol entered into camp, taking guard a struggling white and gray tom that Lifepaw had never seen before, though he looked somewhat familiar.

            "No, please!" came another cry. It was not the tom, but Blueocean, rushing beside them. "Don't hurt him!"

            "What's going on?" Goosepaw asked Lifepaw.

            She shrugged, watching as Thornstar approached.

            "Who is this? What is going on?" he asked.

            "We caught this tom trespassing on SnowClan territory," a speckled tom, Speckledfoot, told Thornstar.

            "Trespassing?" Thornstar asked.

            "That's not all," added Sparrowwing. "We caught him and Blueocean together, talking."

            Thornstar turned his gaze to Blueocean. From the distance, Lifepaw could detect anger in his eyes.

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