Chapter 46

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            Lemonfur laid curled up beside Thymewhisker, her head resting gently next to his. His pelt was brushed against hers, bringing her warmth in the coldness of leaf-fall. Her breaths were slow and deep, and she felt herself falling into an even deeper sleep.

            When Lemonfur opened her eyes, she was padding through a forest, one that was different than NightClan's, but somewhat familiar. Despite the forest being unknown to her, she recognized every tree, every rock, and every scent. But how?

            "This way," called a cat. Lemonfur looked up, realizing she was padding alongside other cats, those who were also unknown to her. Even though their scents seemed unfamiliar at first, she soon recognized them well and continued on.

            "Keep an eye out for any trespassing cats," a white tom, who Lemonfur immediately knew as Cloudstar for some reason, called.

            "Let's hope for some prey to come out," a tiny gray she-cat...Tinypelt, whined.

            Words slipped out of Lemonfur's mouth quickly. "The snow has almost melted. It won't be long now before prey begins to show itself again."

            "Shinypelt," shouted a cat up ahead.

            She immediately lifted her head, padding past Tinypelt and towards the cat. The cat she ran to was silver-blue, with a patch of fur missing down his thigh.

            "Stormnight, hi," she responded, knowing this tom as her brother. But Lemonfur had no siblings.

            "Colder day," he admitted, shivering a little. Lemonfur glanced down at his bare leg, pitying him.

            "It's not that bad," she explained. "How are you holding up?" she asked, gently placing her tail on his shoulder.

            "What do you mean?" Stormnight asked.

            What did Lemonfur mean? Words came out of her mouth before she could ponder. "With the outlashes," she whispered.

            "I haven't had one since I was an apprentice. You know that, Shinypelt," Stormnight replied.

            "I was just making sure," she responded.

            "Besides, you've never had to deal with them," he growled.

            Lemonfur could tell this comment had made him angry, so she shut her mouth and continued padding beside him.

            "And how is Cheetahwing?" she asked. Immediately, the image of a spotted she-cat floated in her mind.

            "Good. Maybe one day we'll be mates," he purred.

            Lemonfur smiled warmly.

            "Hey, we're on a patrol here!" shouted a tom. "No chatting it up!"

            "Sorry," they both murmured.

            Suddenly, the images were washed away from Lemonfur's mind, and she woke up, the forest and cats fading behind her.

            Startled, she sat up in the dark NightClan den, glancing around. Her heart was racing, and she shivered. This was not the first time she had a dream like this.

            They're only dreams, she told herself, but Silverstar's message kept running through her mind. Was this somehow related to the prophecy, these odd dreams that had no explanations? The dreams were so vivid, so life-like, it made Lemonfur wonder if perhaps these dreams had once happened.

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