Alt. Ending

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The votes are in! So the next book I'll be publishing, winning by a long run, will be Delta 6! So keep an eye out for that soon :)

Also this alternate ending was requested by DerpyMelon246 so I hope you enjoy ^_^

Warnings: Two major character deaths (the 'alternate' part of this is that it's basically the Epliouge and and a bit of chapter 48 but told as if Preston really does die), mentions of blood, mentions of death, sad feels

     ~3rd P.O.V.~

     Even in her weakened state,  Roxanne still manages to disarm Lachlan fairly easily, and the two diamond swords go spinning end over end into the sand. Lachlan quickly snaps his fist out, landing a blow to her gut, and then feints back quickly as Roxanne's diamond blade whistles inches away from his face. She's about to advance on him, when there's a jarring force from behind, knocking the weapon from her grasp as Jerome tackles her from behind. Wrestling the snarling and biting bacca of of her, Roxanne rises to her feet, only to be met with Mitch's fist. His fist slams into her nose, which cracks and begins to bleed, and she staggers back with a cry of pain and surprise. Then Rob leaps forward, eager to have a chance at avenging Preston, and pulls out an iron sword. Thrusting the butt of the sword into her stomach, the oxygen in Roxanne's lungs seems to vanish, and she doubles over in pain. Then the blunt edge of his sword swings around, whacking her on the back of the head and sending her to the ground. Dizzily, Roxanne moves to push herself up.




      Three throwing stars spiral forward, and the assassin Vikkstar123 makes his final kill, all three hitting home as they bury themselves into her throat and neck. With a final groan of pain and defeat, Roxanne sways, and drops to the ground for good.


     ~No P.O.V.~

     After the remainder of the Rogues had been rounded up, and the news of Preston's death delivered to their people, The Pack came to a crushing decision. With Preston gone, and no one to lead the Rogue kingdom, The Pack decided it might just be better to destroy the kingdom as a whole. From the start it really was never in the best shape, and now following the recent events the Rogue kingdom looked worse than ever. So they gave the remaining Rogue citizens a choice: join one of the other five kingdoms, or, be destroyed with this one. A few chose the first option, but unsurprisingly, a majority chose to die. And so the next day, they were destroyed, along with the rest of their kingdom.

      Still wracked with grief, The Pack did however save one person from the demolishing of the kingdom. Though... 'save' might not be the best word, since he's already dead.

      Three days later, when the kingdom was no more than piles of rubble, The Pack, along with anyone who had followed Preston into battle those seemingly long days ago, walked with The Pack as they carried his limp body to the centre of the ruins. Hundreds upon hundreds watched, many with tears in their eyes, as Rob led the way with Preston in his arms. Preston's skin was dull, cold, and forever it would stay. Xenos, who was among the people standing there, decided the bright and sunny day was almost an insult to the funeral. So conjuring his magic, he summoned dark heavy clouds to cover the sky, and as The Pack reached the very centre of the rubble, rain began to lightly fall.

     Lightning cracked and thunder rolled in the distance, Rob shuffling forward to the edge of the six-block deep hole, where Seto awaited. Their gazes met, and with a sad nod from Rob, the body of Preston was lifted with Seto's powers, and gently lowered into the hole. As dirt blocked were placed to fill in the hole, Sky stepped forward, in the form of Skybrine. Quietly requesting everyone to step back, his eyes flashed brightly, and suddenly a ten block tall statue of Preston appeared, constructed entirely of bedrock and with scarily accurate features. Lightning cracked once again, illuminating the stone plate at its base.

Here lies Preston Arsement

Founder of The Pack, who together stopped the 27 year war

As he lives on in memories, and remains forever as a part of the Pack;

May he R.I.P.

Question of the chapter:

Well... What did you think?

My answer: I feel really bad ;-;

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