Shattered Glass

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I spend the next few hours reading the entries in my old journal

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I spend the next few hours reading the entries in my old journal. There was so much in there I had forgotten. There were some entries that were boring, others humorous, and some positively scandalicious. Occasionally I reach down and scratch Chistery on head. He had showed up unexpectedly looking for attention, and so I let the Monkey sit with me.

As I read my journal I felt things as bits and pieces of my life starting to come together. It was strange yet, at the same time it was almost a relief. I was beginning to finally know who I was, and by learning that I will eventually know who I am.

I close the journal. “So I definitely have magic, as I suspected.” I say to Chistery, but mostly to myself. “According to this I apparently had the ability to see visions or divination as I called it in my journal.” Chistery nods. “See!” He screeched excitedly, and I smile at him.

“I wonder,” I say quietly, “if I can still see things.” Chistery gets off my lap and flutters onto the back of the chair as I stand and start to pace. “If I can, then maybe I will be able to see somethings from my past, but the question is how? How do I see these visions? Did I just get images in my mind or did I use something?”

“Glin! Lin! Glinda!” Chistery screeches excitedly as the bounces off the chair. I look up startled out of my thoughts, and look around. “Chistery, Glinda isn't here.”

“I kn-know!” He says grabbing my hand. “Glinda! Glass ball! Yours!”

“What are you babbling on about, Chistery?” I'm so confused. Chistery tugs on my hand again, and moves towards the door. “M-Miss Glinda! Glass ball! Has it! Yours!” He screeches in his broken speech. What is Oz does a glass ball have to do with seeing visions? I think as I follow the excited Monkey, andt isn't long before he comes to stop in front of Glinda. “L-Lady Glin. Lin. Linda. Glinda!” He chatters bouncing in front of her.

“What is it Chistery?” Glinda asks and he just screeched excitedly. She looks at me. “Do you know what has him so worked up?”

“I do and I don’t. Mind if I sit down?” She nods, and I go take a seat pulling Chistery over to the chair as well.

No sooner do I sit down then Chistery screeches again. “Glin- Glinda! Glass ball! El-Elpha- Elphie’s!”

“Glass ball?” She raises an eye surprised. “What is he talking about?”

“Beats me.” I shrug. “I was reading the journal you returned to me, and got to thinking out loud. I was thinking about the part in my journal where I wrote about trying to control my visions, or divination skills I guess. Anyways, I had an idea-”

“Glass ball! El-Elphie’s!” Chistery screeches again, Glinda shushes him, and he goes quiet. “Go on, Elphie, please.” She says nodding to me.

“I had an idea that maybe I could reignite my abilities, and perhaps use them to see memories. What I was reading though I need some sort if looking glass or something along that line to do so.”

“Glass ball!” Chistery says again bouncing onto Glinda's lap with a flutter if his wings. “You have El-Elph- Elphie’s glass ball! I saw it!

“My glass ball?” I ask looking at them both quizzically. Glinda nods, and sighs. “It's true. I do have your looking glass, or at least had it.”

“Had it? What do you mean?”

“I mean I had it, and then it sort of got broken.” She bites her lip and stands slowly walking towards the window.

Narrowing my eyes I watch her. “Sort of got broken? It either did or it didn't, Glinda.” I could tell she didn't want me to know, but I needed to know, and not just because the looking glass was mine to begin with, but because that would have been my ticket, so to speak, to finding my memories.

“Well, I… I sort of broke it.” She stammers. “I didn't do it intentionally! I got scared when Chistery came flying into my room at the Emerald Palace like a bat out of hell!”

“What does that have to do with my looking glass being broken?” I suddenly feel rather irritated and upset with her.

“I had just gotten all ready to go bed and went to lay down when your Money came tapping in my window. I grabbed the first thing I could to defend myself, and it happened to be your glass ball you used for looking at things.” She was speaking a mile a minute, and it was a tad hard to follow her. “He came flying in the window when I opened it, and he bumped into me and I dropped it! It hit the floor and shattered. I swear I didn’t mean to drop it! I was going to fix it, but once I managed to get a light on and saw who had crashed into my room I forgot all about your glass ball! Please Elphaba don’t be mad! It was an accident! I never meant to break it!”

I sit there quietly as she rambles, and when she stops talking I stay quiet. She had my looking glass, supposedly, and then she broke it when she tried to defend herself against Chistery? Except she didn’t realize it was him… This is more confusing then I thought. I sighs and look over at her and smile. “It's okay, Glinda. I'm not mad at you.” I say in all honesty. Sure, at first I was irritated, but how can I be upset at her. She was scared.

“You aren't mad?” She sounds surprised, and I laugh. “It's just that you would have normally, I mean when we were younger, you would have flown off the handle.”

“Flown off the handle?”

“It just means you have or had a tendency to get angry quickly, and freak out on people before anyone knew what happened.”  She explains.

“Oh. I guess I didn't realize that.”

“It's okay. I mean, usually you had a reason, but sometimes you didn't.” Glinda shrugs.

“Sorry, El-Elphaba.” Chistery says his wings drooping. “Didn't mean for g-g-glass ball to break.”

“Chistery, it's okay.” I smile at him giving his head a light pat. “I will just find another one.”

“Oh!” Glinda says suddenly going to one of her trunks in the corner. “I forgot I brought the pieces with me. I was going to try and fix it, but I haven't had time to do so.” She pulls out a small pink bag and hands it to me. “Maybe you can fix it?”

I take the bag and look into it. There in deed is the remains of something glass that was broken. “Why do you think I could fix it?”

“Because you made it. I mean, you somehow knew how to mold glass. What do they call it?” Glinda says thinking for a moment. “Oh that's right, glass blowing. You knew the art of glassblowing so you you took a disk of glass you had and turned it into your looking glass.”

“Interesting.” Who knew I actually had had the ability to do glassblowing. I had seen once or twice when I was taken into town, and thought it was fascinating. “Perhaps I could try and fix it.” I smile at her.

“I hope you can Elphie!” She says and looks at her clock. “Sweet Laureline! I am going to be late! I'm sorry Elphie, but I must go. Momsie and Popsicle are taking me to the local theater, and I must get ready! See you tomorrow!” She says and quickly leaves.

“Have fun!” I smile and wave as she rushes off. I look down at Chistery. “Shall we see if I can fix this?”

“Yes! You fix glass ball!” He screeches, and I laugh taking his hand. “Come along then, Chistery.” We make our way back to my room.

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