New Book Release

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Hello Readers,

I come bearing good news. I've decided, while Wanting Ella is being re-written and edited, that doesn't stop me from sharing some of the amazing works i already have saved in my drafts.

And so, I am more than pleased to announce a new book I've been working on for a while, a little different from Wanting Ella and its follow up series.

Firstly, this book takes place in Spain, not the states, and it also has no connection whatsoever to Wanting Ella.

Guys, I really did my research work on this one, and my questioning browser history is proof enough. 

Tags such as #bdsm #steamy are what this book is based of on. Meaning, a great deal of this book deals with submissive/dominant play, something I've been very interested in writing about.

So without further ado; The Girl Next Door:

So without further ado; The Girl Next Door:

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I'll be publishing it on Valentine's day (14th February), and it will be on only Wattpad. So stay glued till then. 

Love ya.

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