Chapter 18 - Immortals In Training

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Hi guys! Here is the well overdue new chapter of Divine Chaos!

I hope you all enjoy it :)

Chapter 18

One Month Later


I smirk and motion for Lyke to begin, gripping my spear in my hands and preparing myself for what's about to come.

He winks at me and disappears. Ashlyn rolls her eyes from her position beside me, before drawing back her bow and preparing to shoot.

"I always worry I'm going to kill him when we do this." She mutters.

I nod once as the golden tip of my spear glimmers in the moonlight, "Tell me about it."

"Thank goodness we can heal."

The clearing in the Viridescent forest remains calm for another long second, before a blur bursts out from the trees.

Ashlyn fires ten arrows at Lyke in quick succession, but he seems to doge them all with ease.

I sprint forward, my spear out and ready as Lyke skids to a stop before me, ready to do them same thing he's been doing all night: Beat me.

But this time, I have a trick up my sleeve. Instead of charging at Lyke and trying to ram him with my spear I shove the golden tip into the ground and use it as leverage to deliver a powerful kick to his stomach.

Caught off guard, he collapses backwards as I pull my spear out of the ground, before leaping on top of him and pinning him down with its shaft.

"NICE ONE!" Ashlyn yells, coming over to join the two of us; I grin down at Lyke.

Ashlyn reaches us as I pull myself to my feet and the both of us look down at our cheeky friend.

"Well..." He breathes, "You certainly took my breath away. I didn't see that coming."

"Did I manage to nick you with any of the arrows this time?" Ashlyn asks him as he gets to his feet.

He shakes his head, "Not this time."

"Darn!" She groans, her fiery hair shaking as she mutters something under her breath.

I hold my spear against my neck and wait for it to return to its usual form, "Well, I'm just happy I don't have to yank another arrow out of you."

I'm seriously relieved, the first time we did this Lyke ended up with ten arrows poking out of him. It was not a sight for the faint hearted, but luckily he was all healed by the time we'd returned to his place. Whilst I'm happy that there's less injuries when we train, Ashlyn seems to be dead set on giving Lyke at least one thing to moan about for ten minutes.

Lyke nods in agreement, "Same here. The worst one was that one through my skull, although, that was your favourite, wasn't it?"

He glances over at Ashlyn and she giggles a little.

"Oh come on! It was pretty surreal." She replies.

I shake my head in disappointment as I lock the clasp on my necklace and feel my spear rest against the hollow of my throat.

"So, when's the next session?" Lyke asks me.

"I think you, Asthore and Callia have something tomorrow. I'm doing combat training with Luca, Selina and Ashlyn."

Ash nods in agreement, "That's going to be fun."

The three of us keep up a healthy banter as we stroll through the dark to Ashlyn's car, another training session done and dusted.

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