Chapter 26 - The Depths

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Hello lovely readers!

Another shorter chapter here! (Sorry) but don't worry, they'll get longer again from this point!

- Enjoy! xo

Chapter 26.

A towering tree stands alone in the dark. In the centre of a shadowy courtyard.

Its branches stretch up into the black sky, into the ominous black, there are no stars here.

The light is a sickly green, and fog seeps through the stones, making the air humid and cool.

We're in the underworld, and I have a feeling I've read about this place before.

The large tree in front of me is an Elm. The Elm of False Dreams.

We all lay beneath it, in various states of disarray. But something is different.

I feel weighed down, like there's hard metal pressing down against my body. What on earth could it be?

I blink a few more times, trying to take in the situation we've found ourselves in. We were swallowed up, into this darkness, forever...

Not if I can help it.

I take a deep breath and push myself up off the rough stones I found myself lying upon, before studying the scene before me.

As my eyes adjust to the murky light, my breath catches.

My spear rests on the ground, laying at my feet. It's no longer in the small dainty form that hung around my neck, it's full size and more menacing than usual.

Its point looks sharper, like it could easily pierce straight through anyone who dare tries to attack me.

I crouch down and pick up my spear, before the shadows of my friends and fellow gods begin to move, they're finally coming back to consciousness too.

"Where are we?" I hear Selina groan.

"In the underworld, remember?" Asthore reminds her.

I wait for everyone to stand up, and finally we can all make out each other in the gloomy light.

My eyes widen and my hand grips around my spear.

"Guys..." I mutter.

We all stare at each other.

Because we don't look like ourselves any more.

Not in the slightest.

Gone are our suits and dresses, our stilettoes and corsages...

We have been transformed. Into ourselves.

Our true selves.

Ashlyn is dressed in a tunic that falls to her knees, a pair of silver sandals on her feet, she holds a large silver bow in her hands with a sheath of arrows looped across her shoulders. Her curly red hair is out and wilder than ever.

Georgie is draped in a dark cloak, a large sword in her hands, Emma is dressed in red and there's a soft glow coming from her palms.

Selina stands alone, looking more beautiful than ever in a pale gown adorned with flowers and jewels. Laura is next to her with her hands planted firmly on her hips as she wears a teal green dress, appearing elegant and regal.

Then there's Callia, her golden hair in a severe bun and her body draped in a white floor length tunic. She seems more imposing than usual, and creates small sparks whenever she shifts her weight from one foot to another.

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