Chapter 2

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Cha Yunseo

"What are you doing here?"I asked  park jimin who was leaning against the boundary wall of my house casually.

"Waiting for you"He said and smiled. Ugh! that smile. Someone please take me to hospital, I am going to die because of heart attack. But why is he even waiting for me?

"Why are you waiting for me?"I asked him, confused. "To go school with you" He said in a duh tone. "Lets go then" I said and started walking and he followed me. After 5 minute walk we reached the neighborhood's bus stop.

Bus would come in next 10 minutes so I sat on the bench and jimin sat beside me. "So how's life?"He asked, probably a random question. "Good I guess"I answered him while playing with my phone. "If you don't mind, can I ask you something?"He asked and I just nodded as reply.

"Why did you transfer school?"He was giving me curious eyes. Because of you, I wanted to say that but I am not brave enough.Before I could make any excuses, the bus came. Just the perfect timing.I am lucky today!!

"Let's go bus is here"I avoided his question and headed to bus. There were no seats available so we both had to stand. He was standing behind me. Two stops later more people started getting in the bus making it crowded. I and Jimin were squeezed in the crowd. I could literally smell his cologne. There was 1 inch gap between us making it difficult for me. Even My heart is betraying me. It's beating loudly as if there is ghost in front of me.

The bus started moving and I jerked forward and bumped into the guy who was in front of me. The bus wasn't moving in uniform acceleration so time to time I bumped into him. Suddenly Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist shocking everything out of me. Trust me, I didn't breathe properly. His face was right in front of me so how am I supposed to breathe properly?

After 20 minutes ride that seemed like century, we finally arrived at school. He let go of me and we got out of the bus.

"You go straight and turn left, you'll see the main office, you can ask about you class and schedule there. I gotta go, I am late for class" I told him direction to the office and ran off to my class.

I reached class on time, Mr.Choi wasn't there yet. Familiar faces greeted me as I entered the class. I sat next to Sena who has been my friend since last year. She was the first one to approach me."So, how was you summer vacation?"She asked me as I sat next to her. "Fine I guess"I answered her. After that we started chatting about the stuffs.

We stopped talking when Mr. Choi entered the room and he wasn't alone. He was with Park Jimin. I couldn't get more luckier. Please sense the sarcasm in my voice. I am happy that my crush is in same class as me but I am trying to move on and its not helping. How am I supposed to move on when I see his face almost all day not to forget the fact he is my neighbor too.

"Where would you like to sit Mr. Park?"Mr. Choi asked him. "I'll sit there beside yunseo, that'd be okay right?"He asked Mr.Choi and Mr. Choi nodded. He towards us and sat on the seat beside me.

"How does he know you?"Sena whispered as Mr. Choi started teaching. "He is the one I told you about"I whispered back. "He is your crush, the reason you moved school?"She asked me and I just nodded. I faced the board and saw Mr. Choi glaring at us. "Mr. Choi is glaring at us, lets concentrate"I said and started concentrating Mr. Choi's class.

First period finished but he didn't leave the class. Second period finished but still he still didn't leave the class."Mr. Choi are you going to teach us the whole day?"One of my classmate asked him,so brave of him!!

"Why? are you tired?"Mr. Choi asked him. "Yes, Mr. Choi" Our whole class said in unison. "Most of the teachers are absent today so I had to your classes. Since you all got tired I'll leave" Mr. Choi kept the marker in his pocket and started walking to the main door.

"One more thing, you have free classes after recess since teachers are not sufficient so you guys can go home"He said and left the class. The whole class cheered and started leaving one by one.

"Sena-ya wanna hangout?"I turned to Sena. "I'd love to but not today. I have date with my boyfriend. His school opens from tomorrow so I was going to have date with him today after school"She said and I nodded understanding her situation.

"Arraseo, let's hangout some other time" I told her and she started packing her bag. She bid me a goodbye and left the class.

I started packing my bag and was about to leave the classroom but I noticed Jimin who was sleeping peacefully.He looked so angelic. Get a grip of yourself,Cha Yunseo!

"Jimin wake up" I tried to wake him by shaking his shoulder and he woke up. "Where are the others?"He asked me as he stretched his body to fully wake up. "They all went home, there won't be anymore classes" I told him.

"Lets go then" He carried his bag and walked out of the class and I followed him. "Yah! Cha Yunseo why are you so slow" He walked to me, grabbed my wrist and started dragging me with him.

"Lets go and eat something I am really hungry"Jimin said as we walked out the school. I and Jimin were the last one to leave the school. " I don't want to, you can go by yourself. I am going home"I yanked my hand from his grip and started walking to bus stop.

"Yunseo-ah, don't be like this this, lets go and eat burger please"He did an aegyo and my heart melted. "Fine lets go"I played it cool and ended eating with Park Jimin.

A/N: here is the another chapter. I hope it's not boring. As I said in last chapter it'll get better by the time so I hope you can understand.

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