Great fan and Good friend

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Life is just like some magic... Everyone have their own plan... But unfortunately... Life will give u something else... But the magic is.... That will turn in to too good...

Like wise... Love... That is Some thing which no one can describe in a perfect terms..  That will come at a very unexpected time.. in unexpected situation.. with unexpected person ...

Love makes everyones life too colourful... But sometimes.. this love will also get defeated by life..

Then love makes that life like a heaven again ..   this aee all very unpredictable things...

Like this Amar and Archu are get married..and they faced alot of misunderstandings.. Life is making some terrible things which makes them to fall in love...

But these two peoples are too different and the love is something very impossible for them...

Lets see how love wins over them....

It was a pleasant morning... Sun started to wake up all the souls...

Sun rays are travelled through a glass window...His peaceful sleep got disturbed... He slowly opened his eyes... He felt so fresh and energetic...

He moved his body to expand it to lose all the laziness...

His right palm hit on a pillow which is placed next to him... He turned to his right side... There he saw her... Her Face is like a cute little baby... She is deep in her sleep... He looked at her for more than a mint... then he smiled and moved out fron there without disturbing her beauty sleep....

He went in to Washroom... He is in his shower... The chill water is making his mind to feel the pressure... His lips is playing a inward smile...

His thoughts travelled back to the last night...

After they both had their dinner.. both came back to His room...

He came and sit on the bed's left side.. 

Archu was standing ...and she didn't utter anything to him... After few mints...he turned to her...

Amar:.. What????... Why are u standing like this... ???..

Archu:.. nothing.. i need some fresh air.. Can we go to lawn...???..

Amar felt like she wants to know something from him.. and he too wants to speak and spend some time with her...

Both went to the lawn...

She was smiling by seeing the moon... then he too got a smile...

Archu:.. So chill rit .???.. Is it okay for u???...

Amar:.. Cool... he smiled...

Archu looked at him for a mint more...

Amar:.. Hey ...if u want to talk some thing means..  just go ahead ahhhh???...

She smiled...

Archu:.. Actually.... i need to say something???..

Amar:.. What???.. come on ya...

Archu:.. See.. i am happy now...and i feel like.. i can forget all the pain and miseries which happened in my life ... Soo...

Amar:.. Soo????..

Archu:.. I think... i can do something else...

Amar:.. He is looking at her...

Archu:.. Actually... i have a huge dreams in my life.. i want to complete my degree..and then i want to do alot of things.. But..

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