The Next Book!

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Hello everyone! I want to thank you, if you are reading this. Because you have stuck around, not only through this book, but through the first book as well.

This book is dedicated to all of you. If you've read up to this, I want to just say a few things:

1.) thank you so much. It means so much to me that you've stuck around through this. It means the world to me to have you as a fan. Each and every one of you have a special place in my heart.

2.) this book is dedicated to all of the fans that have started the journey with Bex. The first book was dedicated to myself. It was for me. To prove that I can do anything I please, to show that fanfiction is the best type of writing. Because it takes your favorite friends and couples and settings, but it lets you do what you please with it. It let's you write the story you always wanted to hear. And that's why I began to write this series, because it was the story I wanted to read. I didn't expect any reads or votes and definitely not followers. I was just doing it because it was what I wanted.
But this story is for all of you. It is for the ones that cry over the story. It is for the ones that laugh over the story. It's for the ones that have five different contradicting ships in the story. It's for the ones that participate in the Bex Games. It's for the ones that vote. It's for the commenters. It's for the ones that love this story as much as I do. It's for the ones that have accepted Bex in their hearts.

And that in itself means the most to me. To have my own character accepted into the hearts of strangers. People all over the world. It brings us together. It makes us a family. It spreads our love.

3.) time for the next book!

The next book in the series, Dealing with the Marauders, is already up. You can start reading it as of now! I look forward to seeing you on the next book!

Thanks so much! I love you all!

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