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"Paige and Mason. Your chores for this week will be taken over by Chester and Amy." Kate announces during breakfast the next morning. "Okay. Then I can go for my run tonight." Mason exclaims happily. "Is that really all you care about?" Heather asks him. "To keep in shape, you have to train, train and train. Heather." He tells her and she just rolls her eyes. Kate walks off. "Okay. New bee and Chester what have you done?" Elijah asks us looking at us. "We just went on a date and got lost on our way back home." Chester tells him and Brooke reacts to that very surprised. "That is so cute. You two are so adorable."

"Let's go to school before we get detention for being late again." I say as I get up and Chester smiles at me. Valerie and I are brushing our teeth in the bathroom when Heather walks in. "How did it go on those heels?" It went better than I had expected it to go. "It did go well." I tell her and she smiles.

"For this assignment, you will be paired up in groups of two and will have a subject that we have spoken about in the last few weeks to present to your class." American Revolution History, World War II, Middle Ages, Shakespeare, English Civil War and the 9/11 attack are the subjects that we can pick out of. "Ethan and Amy." He calls out and we pick the Middle Ages. "Mr. Mayer. Amy and I decided on English Civil War." Mr. Mayer writes it down so he remembers. "How was your date?" He asks me as we enter the school media library to work on the computers to do on our research for our presentation.

"Good, it was a lot of fun." I tell him. A girl walks passes us and looks at us as she does. We write down our notes that we will be using during our presentation. The bell rings and we head to Economy class. "I haven't really learned for this test." Valerie admits as she taps her pencil against the table in front of her. That is something that she does when she is nervous. "Can I maybe look at your paper and change up the answers so it doesn't look like I have cheated?" Mr. Hallman passes out the papers. "Valerie, the first test is handed over so look at your own paper and no cheating at Amy's test." Valerie looks like she has just been busted for doing something that she was not supposed to do.

The test was harder than expected but I have the feeling that it went well. Ethan and I decided to spend our break in the media library so we could do some research for our presentation. "How was your date?" He asks. I smile and answer him. "It was a lot of fun."

A girl about our age walks towards us and Ethan notices her immediately. "Sorry to interrupt but I am new here and am looking for Mr. Hallman." Ethan stands up.  "He might be in the staff room." The girl nods. "We will walk you." I tell her and smile. "That is very kind of you." Ethan and I gather our stuff. "I am Luna by the way. Luna Zimmerman." The girl tells us and we introduce ourselves to her.

"The room is here." I tell her and she smiles. "Thank you. I guess I will see you around." Luna smiles. "Yes, w-we will." Ethan stutters as she makes her way inside of the room. The bell rings announcing that the next class will begin in a couple of minutes.

Mr. Hashtings greets us all as he walks inside the room. "Today we will be studying all the Environmental Hazards." He tells us as he writes some things on the chalkboard about the topic and explains them to us. When we are making the assignments that were given up. "Dude, we can not meet tonight. I am grounded!" Chester tells Ethan who asked him something about tonight. They are sitting behind us. "At least, we did have a fun date." He says and I smile when I hear him. "For the test, you will have to learn page 42,43,44,45,46 and 47." I hear Valerie sigh. "Is he kidding?" She whispers. "This test will be in four weeks so you will have three weeks, if you do not count the camping trip." We finish our homework just before the bell rings. We head over to Physics. 

* * *

We had two more hours of Science and then we head over to the house. As I walk into the bedroom, Valerie quickly shoves a brown box under the bed and looks at me. We had two more hours of Science and then we head over to the house. As I walk into the bedroom, Valerie quickly shoves a brown box under the bed and looks at me. "A box with memories." She tells me. "Do you want to tell me?" I ask her. Valerie nods. "It would be my brothers birthday today. He would have turned 20 but passed away a few months ago." She tears up and I wrap my arms around her. "I miss him every day." She says and I look at her. Valerie pours her heart out and talks to me. After a few hours, she has calmed down a bit and I look at her. "I do not know how it is to have siblings and when my parents past away I wish I had a sister. I can not replace your brother but would like to know what it is like to have a sister?" I ask her and she gives me a tight hug. "You do kind of feel like a sister to me."  

When Chester and I are done with our chores, we sit down on the couch. Ethan walks in and he looks a little pale making me worried. "Something bad has happened." Chester and I wait for him to tell us. "Come on." Chester tells him when Ethan waits a very long time to tell us. "The diary that belonged to Gerald is missing." Ethan tells us. "What do you mean with missing?" I ask him. "The diary is gone." We are talking when we hear other voices. "Great idea man, he will be going mad!" Mason tells Elijah. Ethan looks at them and then looks at us.

"Elijah." I say and the guys sitting next to me nod. "We will ask him about it tonight."

Amy Flemming | Moves to Hemmingway Boarding SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now