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Also I realized the picture uptop is made by SofiaJasmine0

I looked back at my old account and I miss it SOO much! I wish I could go back to it! ;-; but WOW 14K reads! (On my old channel thetomboiwritter  ;-; ) I'm so proud of myself! Thank you guys so much!

Btw I'm so dumb I already had a book cover for this book but forgot about it

Seven's POV

I couldn't sleep I was lying awake to what John had said to me. I want to leave this place so bad, I miss my family. I miss going out to the movies or get ice cream or just have decent food for once! This place is obnoxious. I remembered when I had attempted to leave, it was hard, I was just so close! But that girl saw me, that yellowed dress jerk, and her crazy mother as well. I came here around when I was eight when I got here I've been here around here for like 3 years. It's been too long, life goes by fast. I heard the door creak open as I noticed the Janitor was coming in I made a silent turn to my side as he was walk past my bed to make sure he didn't get suspicious.

Only that one chef and janitor is ok here, but still, they seem strange from time to time. The janitor walked out and he moved on to the next room. I just decided to sleep on what John told me. It felt impossible to fall asleep but I managed to do it.

-time skip to morning brought to you by glitter glue it's pretty delicious HA HA I'm sorry that was a pun*

Six's POV

I wake up before my mother and realized I have to go back to the kids which I didn't want to at all! So I just went back into the bed I had and pretended to be asleep but then I heard my mother waking up so there was no point. She stretched her arms over her head as her huge sleeves fell below her arms revealing them. She then stood up and noticed that I was awake. "Hello Six." she said grabbing her mask, hiding her hideous face. "Hi." I said in a non-enthusiastic tone. "Your already awake you should be making it to the kids by now!" She said. "Yes mother I shall right away." I said a little sternly so she wouldn't seem suspicious.

"You better. Run along now." She said grabbing her brush and was straightening her long black hair. I had to go all the way back just to torture kids, I just 'love' my job. I don't want to do this on a daily basis. It's sad to watch them be tortured, especially since I am the one doing it.

Seven's POV

I grabbed the picture under my pillow again. It was a laminated picture of my family and me. And then I realized today was my turn with the jerk-wad no-good yellow-dressed freak. The worst time of the month. All of us have at least one day with her EVERY month.

"Come on Runaway, it's time." Said John. I groaned as I put my head on the wall behind me and then the door slammed open alarming everyone. "Wake up! Rise up! Hurry up you useless pieces of garbage!" Yelled the yellow dress girl.

I'm so sorry this took like a million year to make!

Word Count: 579

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