Thx everyone (plz read for real)

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Ok so thank you guys so much for almost 200 followers! I know I already reached that goal on my other accounts but I'm so proud to have made it this far ahead! I thank everyone for everything! And I know I had lots of ups and downs (mainly downs, sorry!) on this profile, but I'm going to try my best to stop sucking! :D 

Also, I'm gonna redo the last chapter of this book, I just don't like the idea I went for at the moment, even at that moment I was so proud of me for actually making a long ass chapter that I even knew how bad the ending was but I was super excited to post it so I posted it and put my story in a bad position so I wanna redo the last chapter, IM SO SORRY PLZ FORGIVE ME!!

Also I'm going to try and post more (I know right seems impossible) I know I always say I'm going to post more and never due, but sometimes I don't have inspiration, I'm not in the mood, or (if your close to me) you know why. Not to mention School as well! So I'm terribly sorry, know I'm not trying to do 5is on purpose, I'm really trying! 

Anyways, thank you to EVERYONE! I love you guys so much!

Also is this my first post of 2019?! Idk I think so! Damn I'm super late! I'm so fucking sorry everyone!



Word Count: 246

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