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Fanart by: @7heLittleKnight (In the comments I'll leave a link, follow her she's great!)

⚠️Also renember! If you have ANY Fanart don't be scared to share it because I'll use it for another chapter of this fanfic!⚠️

Plz read QwQ: Okay, so one, OML 9.7K READS?! JAJJSNJWNHSJWN THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also two, I just want everyone to know, if you can't tell I'm trying to make each chapter be AT LEAST 1,000 words long, I want to make up for not being able to post very often and as you can see, I'm trying to make up for it, I'm sorry if took me so long but, better late than never right QwQ? Also thank you again for 9.7k reads, I was saving to say thank you until 10k but I just couldn't help myself thank you so much I'm gonna cri QwQ.

Anyways, STORY TIME.

Six's POV 

I don't know why I was so excited to go back there today, it's just the annoying brat and me talking the whole time. I was just assuming I was hungry so I figured I would grab a quick snack from downstairs that the twin chefs left for us to eat when I walked downstairs. I tiptoed down out from under my bed and quietly walked away from me and my mother room. I hopped down the stairs quietly and jumped up to plate full of food they left in our room and grabbed some meat and little bit of bread. 

I know how bad my stomach cramps can get, everyone says it's unusual but I suppose that just is how I am. I devoured the food very quickly and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. The feeling still did not fade but my hunger did, well, most of it did. I quietly jumped off an ran out the door looking around for an air vent.

Seven's POV

"You need to stop showing off you know." John said from the side of me. "What do you mean?" I chuckled. "Quit showing off, we all know your doing sit ups to show off how strong you are." John shot at me. "I'll have you know I'm trying to remain fit and healthy while you read, whatever that book is." I said. "Atleast I can actually read, and it's non of your concern what I'm reading." John shot back. (I didn't want to make up a book title or say a random book like Harry Potter sorry) "Okay okay but Don't judge me for doing sit ups when your reading." I shot right back at him. "Fine, heh whatever I'm going to bed anyways, goodnight Seven." John said. "Night John." I said stopping to watch him jump back on his bed.

When he jumped onto his bed I stretched but then continued. For some reason I was very excited to see Juliet again, I loved talking to her and she's amazing but I just don't know why I'm so excited, guess it's just my body from the adrenaline for exercising too much. (Cliché, I know having both of them excited to see one another again) I looked around and noticed everyone was sleeping. I also realized that I no one is ever awake whenever Juliet is here, I would like to keep it that way because I don't want anyone snitching on me or her so I was glad everyone I said able to sleep through our conversations.

I've been thinking about her all day now for some reason, I haven't known her that long (Me: *snickers in the background XD* okay I'll stop now) but I just feel like we have a lot in common. I felt a small blush on my checks and shook my head. Come on Seven, your with Mary, or atleast I think I am. I laughed at myself and continued to do more sit-ups until I heard the door creak open. At first I thought it was the janitor but I then saw a small figure move out from behind the door. "Juliet!" I whisper shouted. "Hello, I'm back Heh." She chuckled.

I got up and walked over to her with a smile, we made a little bit of small talk and then started talking how we usually did, it made me.. happy, I usually wasn't very happy. To me there was nothing really to be happy about, I mean, Mary's nice and John is a great friend and I would consider myself very happy to be johns friend but, something about Juliet just made me want to run around this ship a hundred times and jump in glee. I blushed a little at the thought, but luckily my hair covered it. 

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