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Six's POV

I walked all the way back to my mothers headquarters due to the incident with that brat. "Six? Is that you?" A familiar voice yelled down at me. "Yes, it's me mother." I replied back to my mom. "Why are you back so early?" She asked coming out of her room, looking down at me. I hesitated and decided to come up with a lie and not tell her what happened with that annoying twit.

"The children in that room were very weak, they seemed like if I did another activity with them it would have kill them." I replied being slightly dramatic, my mother ignoring the metaphor and thinking to herself for a while. "Hmm, that's no good, you will need to return to them tomorrow then, and move your time with the other children to the next day." She said walking back into our room.

'What?! I have to deal with that annoying brat again?!' I thought to myself. "But mother! That group of kids are just useless! I don't believe I should go back, I think we should just kill them and spare our time." I suggested, running up the stairs to our room. "None sense, the guest like extra meet in their food! We need to fatten them up for the next pair of disgusting guests, besides Six, we already have enough food from the last group of guests." My mother replied, brushing her hair slowly.

"But mother!-" "But nothing! My final decision has been made, you must return to them tomorrow straight in the morning, I will tell Roger to inform all the children what you will be doing, and that's final, do you understand?" She said sternly looking at me through her mask. I let out a sigh and looked at the floor. "Yes mother." "Good, now go check on the guests for me would you." "Yes mother." I said walking out of the room and walking slowly through the hall to the elevator.

As the elevator brought me up to the balcony I looked through the huge bars and kept an eye one them, making sure everything was in place. These fat, disgusting creatures were walking right into there deaths and they don't even know it.

Seven's POV

"Seven are you alright man?" John said grabbing my arm helping me up. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I said to all the other kids in the room. "Are you sure, does your stomach hurt?" He asked in a worried tone. "I'm ok, it hurts a little but that's fine." "Here, someone help me get him onto his bed." John said. Another kid grabbed my legs and someone else helped lift up my body. They got me onto the bed and everyone asked me if I was doing fine. And I replied with the same answer, I'm fine.

"That was really brave of you Runaway." A girl said and everyone nodded in agreement. "Yeah Runaway, she didn't even torture us today!" Another kid said and everyone's eyes went wide with realization. "Yeah do you need us to do anything for you? We're sorry you had to be tortured while all of us just watched." Everyone agreed. "I'm alright." I replied. "Are you sure Seven?" John asked. "Yes, I'm sure." Everyone then realized what my real name was when John said it. "Oh yeah, Seven, is that really your real name?" Someone asked and all the kids leaned in closer to get an answer. "I never got a name, but that was the number I was assigned as." I explained.

Everyone nodded. "Ok everyone get away from him, he needs his rest." John said and everyone nodded again jumping off the boxes they were standing on and pushed them back to their own beds. One girl stopped though and pushed the box back to my bed. "Hey, Seven, I do want to say that, that was really was brave of you, thank you so much." She said smiling to me. "It was no problem, really." I said returning a small smile.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to her and she then leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Really though, thank you." She smiled wider at me as I blushed. "Mary, leave him alone, he needs his rest." John said looking at the girl. I looked around the room to see everyone was smiling at me snickering slightly. I shook my head and Mary moved the box back to her bed and gave me a smile again and winked, laying back on her bed, me laying on my bed after.

REEEEEE don't kill meh.

Word Count: 779

Little Nightmares | Six X Seven | My slaveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora