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Fanart By: @Owlphases (plz follow them they are awesome! Tagged in comments)

I'm just gonna get on w/ it because you guys TOTALLY deserve a chapter after a billion years. 

Seven's POV

I sat uncomfortably on the jagged, wooden floor as I kept glancing around the room of gleaming kids full of joy. I was glad everyone was finally taking a break after Six coming over and over again just to torture us for her mother's dirty work. I believe everything Juliet told me, but I'm still hesitant about messing with Six. She seemed too hot-headed and impatient with everything me, as well as what the other kids do. I know she is just doing what her mother requests of her but, does she really have to take it all out on us?

I looked down at the sleeping Six on my arm and watched her steady breathing pattern as her chest moved up and down slowly. Her lips were slightly parted, barley noticeable even, and little snores escaped from them quietly but were drowned out by the laughter of the kids. Her pink check being shushed against his shoulder as she laid peacefully on it. From this angle, she looked as if she wouldn't hurt a single nome in this entire ship, but Seven knew all too well that she was capable of much more than that. 

Seven slightly blushed and looked away as he realized that he was staring at Six. 'Dating the "princess?" How infuriating, try not to think of someone as cruel as her.' I said to myself, which was definitely difficult considering she seems like a ticking time-bomb on my shoulder, ready to burst at the slightest of movement. Seven kept trying to believe his original thoughts about her, but couldn't shake off what Juliet had said about Six. 'Can she really be trusted? I mean- she could just being doing all of this because of her mother but, ugh- I'm not sure."  I shifted again in my spot, forgetting that Six was there by my side. I noticed she started to stir and I jumped to my feet quickly and shushed everyone up.

Everyone's laughs and joy were replaced by horror as they stared at the now waking Six who started to stretch. I needed to act fast, if she knew we did no work all day we would be here forever. "Okay everyone! Hurry up and do so sit-ups!" I shouted in a loud enough voice for everyone to hear me. At first they looked at me like I was crazy but quickly realized why I did and sat on the floor trying to do some sit-ups and look as if they have been exercising for the whole week non-stop. I let a cold sweat drip down my face, trying not to wipe it off to make it seem like I was exercising with them at the beginning. Seven started to count everyone's sit-ups.

"What on earth?" Six shouted in a surprised voice with a hint of shock to it. "Oh you're awake now." I exclaimed in a fake shock, yet calm, voice to make it seem like I didn't notice her waking up. I continued to count as Six spoke. "What is going on?" Six demanded. "You fell asleep so..9..10..11..I decided to take over the class period...15..16..17." I tried to say in a voice as calm as I could muster to make it seem as if I had actually been doing this all hour. Six gave me a distant and shocked look of disbelief.

I looked over at the clock. "You're shift is almost over..35..36..37..I suggest you starting heading back to you're headquarters your 'majesty.' 47..48.49." I sarcastically reply. "Okay," I began. "That's fifty sit-ups, 40 more push-ups and then we are done." I said in a sharp and booming voice. A few kids moaned for dramatic effect, some I think actually meant them though. "What time is- oh dear," Six screeched in horror as she stared at the clock, her face going paler than usual. "I must get back now!" Six exclaimed loudly to the room and ran out.

Everyone in the room immediately stopped exercising and tried to regain their breaths. "Brilliant idea Runaway!" John said throwing his shoulder over me as I stumbled slightly from the sudden gesture. "Yeah dude! Great joke thinking on your toes like that!" Exclaimed another girl right after John's comment. "Yeah Seven that was splendid!" Mary said walking over patting me gently on the back. "Thank you guys, i'm glad you caught on before she could realize what we were really doing the whole time.

Six's POV

'Oh blasted! I'm over 20 minutes late! I'd be darn lucky if Roger doesn't notice.' I said scolding myself for letting Seven keep me awake at night. I knew I didn't really have to go visit Seven every night but something about him makes me so curious, I don't know what exactly, maybe the way he acts and talks? I'm not sure exactly where to pinpoint it. It doesn't matter right now I have to get back before Roger begins to wonder what happened to me. If he begins to wonder I will just say I stopped by the Twin's and gave them another warning.

'I hope he doesn't ask the twin chefs later when I stopped by." I told myself, doubting my newly made excuse. It didn't matter anyways, I'll just tell him I worked a little overtime and need to return to do the next bunch of kid's training. Right then Six felt hot breathing and the sound of crunching bones being twisted and mutated behind her. "What are you doing out of your cage little-" *Sniff* *sniff.* "Oh! My apologies Six, I didn't realize it was you at first." "It's alright Roger, I know I might smell a little different because of the other kids, you know, me having to train them." I said letting out a low and nervous chuckle. I probably smell different due to sleeping on all the mildew on the floor of that room.

"Ah, that's right, I assume that's why you were slightly Late more then usual?" Roger guessed. "Precisely." I said putting on a nervous smile even though I knew full well he could not see it anyways. "Alright then, let's go begin cleaning, shall we?" Roger shouted happily while waddling forward as I let out a small sigh of relief. "Right behind you Roger!" I announced running toward Roger, close behind him.

Da end :D 

'Till next time of course lol.


Time Posted:3:08 A.M.

Word Count: 1101

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