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Your welcome for the great picture :\


Six's POV

I had a feeling in my gut as soon as he said that. It was hurt at first, but then it turned to rising anger. I knew I needed to learn more about him so I couldn't lash out. "I think I should really get going." I said standing up, trying to leave as soon as possible before I do anything I know I will regret. "What- wait!" Seven said, standing up fast staring at me. I turned around and was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist. I turned my head around and stared at his covered eyes. "Will I see you again?" He asked with hope in his voice.

"I-I'll come back. I'll come here every night." I said, slightly flinching at my own words. 'How am I going to manage that?!' I thought to myself. "I must get going now." I said I roughly moved my arm away from his grasp. "If you must, I'll see you tomorrow then Juliet." He said at I quickly jumped up to open the door and shut it quickly. 'I can't believe that just happened.' I said to myself. I realized that I needed to get back to my mothers headquarters. I out all my thoughts and rush filled feelings aside and ran back to the headquarters.

-glue sk- I mean time skip- (props to you if you get that reference)

I quickly, but quietly ran to the side of my mothers bed, took off my raincoat, pushed it inside of the drawer and quickly scurried underneath the bed. 'Wow, I actually did that." I said, beaming proudly upon myself. I was rethinking about everything that just happened. I remembered the last part surprised me the most.

Although, it was not because I said I would see him every night, which did shock me. But I was most shocked to see how desperate he was to see me again.

Seven's POV

"John, John wake up!" I said jumping up on Johns bed and shaking him. "Whatttt?" He whined sleepy like. " I met a girl! Like another girl!" I whispered to him. "There are a lot of girls here Seven now go to bed!" John whined louder. "John, another girl, like, with a yellow raincoat!" I explained. "What's the point of raincoats inside of this stupid dump? We're never aloud to go outside." John said aggregated sitting up on his bed. "She looked so pretty in it though John, she was so mysterious too." I whispered. "What's her name then?" He whispered back wiping his eye with his sleeve. "Juliet, such a nice name." I said shocked on how much of a great conversation with her could make me feel like this.

I needed to see her again.

Sorry for short chapter I promise to update more longer chapters in the near future, just not now, I have a lot to work on at the moment.


Word Count: 502

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