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Fanart By: @amoeone (Link in comments! Please go follow them they are an amazing person!!!!) 

Honestly, I absolutely love, love, LOVE this comic strip! Amoeone's art style is amazing! I honestly believe they have so much talent. X3

Anyways, I could talk about how amazing your guy's art style is all day long, but I know ya'll are here for the story so lets hop into it!

Six's POV 

"Six! Six sweetheart! Six! Six get up!" I heard a familiar voice call me. "You have been sleeping in way too much lately Six! You have to get up! Honestly, how long do you stay with Rog- that janitor at night?" My mother asked, he long dress being seen through the small sliver of light from under the bed. 

"I'm awake mother, i'm awake." I said rubbing my dry eyes. I grabbed my dress from besides my bed and crawled out from under my mother's large bed, careful not to hit my head this time. My mother hummed softy while she brushed her long, dark hair. She stopped to look down at me as I started my way towards the door. 

"Six, are you alright! You look horrid." My mother gasped, turning her chair to face me and placing her hairbrush on the counter where the broken mirror was connected to. 

"I'm quite alright mother." I replied, trying to make my eyes sight become less burry. 

"You look as though you are about to pass out at any moment, your face is pale and your eyes are blood red! Not to mention your large, puffy cheeks, and wipe your eyes! You have nasty gunk all over them!" My mother sighed. "Six come over here, your hair is sticking up higher then the ship itself!" My mother demanded. "You look like burning rubbish Six. I will have no daughter of mine walk out looking like this. Understand?" She said, grabbing the hair brush off the counter again and began to brush out my matted hair savagely.

"Yes mother." I replied duly. "After this you are to brush your teeth, they look more yellow then your filthy dress. And you must eat something, you look very pale." Six just realized she hadn't eaten anything, her stomach growled horribly as soon as she thought about it, but she did not care anymore, she let it rumble and hurt her insides. She waited for her mother to finish her hair and dust off her filthy dress. She looked up at her mother and noticed that she pulled out a makeup brush. 

"Mother, what are you doing?" I asked, scooting back into the large seat. 

"What does it look like i'm doing? I'm putting makeup on you so you don't look like a filthy tyrant." I hesitated but I knew I couldn't argue with my mother, I knew that it wouldn't go well at all. I sat there defeated, letting my mother do whatever she pleased without my consent. I did not feel like making myself look presentable today, I just did not want to be noticed at all today honestly, I just wanted to return to my bed at the moment. 

My mother began to push my hair out of my eyes and put some kind of black goop on my eyelashes, I shut my eyes tight and she let out an annoyed grunt. "Leave your eyes open!" She demanded. I obeyed her command and tried not to close my eyes. "Good girl." When she finished with my eyes she put something on my cheeks and some kind of shinny gloss on my lips. I felt that there was no point in doing all of this work at all because I honestly wasn't going to look this pampered the next day anyhow. 

My mother hummed quietly to herself as she grabbed my dark, slimy slug-colored hair. She pushed my bangs out of my eyes, catching me off guard. She ignored my sudden jump and began to put all kinds of clips into my hair to push it out of my eyes. She then began to spray some kind of hair product in my hair that made me gag at first. I looked down at the ground but she pushed my chin up toward her. Her mask gave me an unknown emotion, but I could tell that she wanted to add a final touch of some kind to me, for some unknown reason. She grabbed the make up brush again and moved it to my eyes. 

"Raise your brows and keep your eyes shut, not too tightly though." I obeyed and waited for her to finish, when she did she started on my brows and began to pluck a few hairs that didn't belong. She rolled her sleeves up and touched my lips lightly with her fingers. "Oh good, the gel for your lips have dried, they make your lips look more full." My mother explained, I pretended to be interested and nodded my head. She grabbed a small, black tube from a nearby drawer and began to take off the cap and twisted to bottom to reveal a type of black lipstick. 

"This color will compliment your eyes." She said simply, placing some on my bottom lip. "Now rub your lips together." She said. I did as I was told and stopped when she said it was enough, grunting because it seems that I made a mistake while rubbing my lips together, she then sprayed a nice aroma onto my clothes, I believe that it was a strawberry perfume. "One more thing..." she said, sounding as though she said it more to herself then me. She put a different kind of gloss on my lips to make them shine more apparently. "And done." She said. 

Turning the chair to the broken mirror. I couldn't see myself that well due to the broken glass but I could see enough to notice that I looked completely different then what I usually looked like. I had bright pink cheeks, dark eyeshadow on my eyelids, but that was mostly covered by my long, dark eyelashes. My lips seemed less chapped and more healthy, with the dark black complimenting my eye color like my mother said, speaking of my eyes, they we're actually showing for once, I didn't like looking into my eyes, so I didn't focus on them. 

"There, you can enjoy this for today, I might let you use them again, but you will have to learn how to use them." My mother said. "Now run along now, you need to deal with those brats."

"Yes mother, thank you." I completely forgot that I had to deal with them today. As I walked out, I immediately began to take out the the hair tools in my hair that kept my hair from falling over my eyes. I shook my head back and forth to make sure that my uneven bangs covered my raven colored eyes again. The only other kid that has seen my eyes before was... 

I shook my head and jumped down the stairs. "Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't-" My stomach let out a thundering roar of hunger, this time I couldn't ignore the pain as it caused me to fall to my knees. I began to curl up into a ball on the floor. I looked around the room and noticed that the chefs have already came in with our breakfast for the morning sitting on the tall coffee table. It took quite a lot of time but I finally managed to snatch a few large pancakes and sausages off the plate and scarf them down along with some large, greasy bacon as well. When I finished, I finally headed off to the children's room. 

-Time skip-

As I walked through the Maw's room's and hallway's, I noticed that the kids were staring at me, not in fear, but more like, in curiosity. I noticed that a few were whispering as I walked by as well. Some girls smiled at me and mouthed, "Wow" in an awestruck gaze from time to time as I passed them. But it was not just the girls who watched me walk by, almost all of the males were staring at me as I walked past them as well, and all the ones who were not staring at me started to because their friends bumped them at the side or arm to look in my direction. 

One guy had the guts to wink at me and one of his friends hollered while the other one whistled. The three boys received a few glares from the other boys and most of the girls but I couldn't help but giggle as I walked past them. I even blew one of them a kiss as I walked past and I laughed harder as I heard them arguing who it was directed to. I laughed to myself and walked off confidently. 

"Stupid boys, they don't even know who they're messing with."

Man I a on a role! :D 3 chapters in one week?! The lord has givin' me strength to stop being lazy! (For now)

Anyways, I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday!" To @Owlphases! 'Cause today is her actual birthday! So I just wanted to congratulate her on becoming one year closer to death! :'D okay jokes aside, Happy Birthday Owl! I hope I made your fanfic wish come true lol. I even made the chapter longer! X3 

Everyone go wish her a happy birthday! (Her link will be in the comments!) 

If y'all want to, give me some feedback! How'd you like this chapter? I know, I know, not very action packed (sorry to all my readers who dislike makeup like all my fellow tomboy's and non-feminine male readers out there!). I promise next chapter will be a bit more action packed!

Time Posted: 6:41 P.M. (I did it again! Yay!) 


Word Count: 1657

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