~7~ +Apology

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So first apology: So, I'm SUPER sorry I can't post very often I'm gonna try my best to post every night for now on, so many people support me and I don't want to lose you guys so please bear with me. My life is crazy at the moment so please bear with me.

I'll try to post every night or ATLEAST every weak at night, it seems unrealistic but I'll try to post on Weekends I'll try my best to stop letting you guys down.

Anyways here's the chapter you all have been waiting for for FAR too long.

Six's POV

I quickly sneaked back into my mothers room I tiptoed as quietly as I could and quickly took off my coat and quietly opened one of the drawers and slowly put the raincoat inside. I crawled back under the bed and tried to get a little of sleep that was left of the night.

My mother moved around on top of the bed causing so much noise that it woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and waited for my eyes to adjust to the lamp light that shined under the bed. "Mom turn off the lamp light!" I said tiredly. "Get up young lady, you have work to do." She said getting up off her bed. I got out from under the bed and tiredly cheapies the time. "But mom, I don't see the kids until a few more hours from now." I stated. "I know but a change of plans have been put into today's schedule." She said as she walked past me, he mask already placed on her face.

"What?" I said trying not to sound annoyed. "You will been seeing those brats that caused that incident with you yesterday and teach those kids how to behave correctly." She replied. "But mom I'm so tired!" I said. "I don't care! You will do your job right now and you won't complain!!" She yelled. "Bu-" "NO BUTS, DO. YOUR. JOB!!" She yelled in pure anger. I flinched at the sudden outburst and ran to go wear my dress. I wore my dress quickly and brushed my hair slightly and ran out the door to avoid any other conflicts I could have had with my mom. I ran down the stairs and lowered my pace slightly. I ate some of the food that the twin chefs left for me and my mom to eat and quickly ran to the right room.

I don't wanna hurt these kids, they are already traumatized by me and this place already, I don't want to hurt them anymore, emotionally and physically. I always wanted to be a doctor, I read books that Chef number 2 read to me secretly. The books talked about how they help kids who feel ill with magically help them feel better by prescribing them medicine and do test and more! I always wanted to become someone who helps people!


It seems like I'm doing the opposite right now, but I can't be soft in front of them, she's watching me... she's watching me all the time... almost...

Seven's POV

"A-and then she had to leave!" I said looking down sadly. "Well I'm sure it's because she heard the Janitor coming by or something and thought they were gonna come through the door." John said trying to comfort me in some way. "Thanks John, But I don't know she looked like she had to leave like she was on a time limit or something. I don't know why, I wish I could see her sooner." I said hopefully. "Don't worry, she'll come sooner at night I'm sure! Maybe even sooner!" John said enthusiastically. John was always like a therapist, he wanted to become one too, but couldn't for obvious reasons.

Suddenly everyone gasped out as the door suddenly SLAMMED Open nearly hitting me as I backed away from the door. Everyone looked at the door and gasped backing away. "What are YOU doing here!? You already were here for our monthly routine!" I shot out immediately. "Stop giving me attitude brat." Six said as she stepped into the room with her hands behind her back and as she slammed the door shut with her dark magic. "Because of the little incident YOU caused you will be needing another lesson for today. Your lucky I'm not coming here everyday, or else you'd be dead by then." She said as she glared at me, or at least I believe she was glaring at me, I tried glaring at her as well.

"You brats need to be taught discipline," Six announced to everyone. "especially you." She muttered under her breathe loud enough for me to hear. Mary came close to me and held my arm tightly. I put a hand on top one of hers and after doing this action she started to hug me tightly. I returned it with a warming hug as well. I smiled down at her almost forgetting about he beast in front of me.

Six's POV

I looked over at the brat and saw a girl gripping onto him he put a hand over hers and she hugged him, he returned the hug and smiled, my stomach did a flip-flop at the sudden action the girl did, I didn't like that she was too near him, that she was clinging onto him so tightly, that he liked it that she clung onto him tightly, her looking as if she was in the most safe facility ever known to man kind. "Hey, lovebirds!" I said annoyed at their actions. The girl and Seven looked over at me and slowly let go of each other but remained close to each other and held each others hand softly still.

"Separate." I said sternly. The brat rolled his eyes and kissed the top of her head before separating, staring at me with a slightly noticeable glare that formed in his eyes. "Good, now..." I said as an evil grin placed itself onto my mouth. I placed dark magic around each of the kids, adding force onto them, adding a bit more force onto Seven knowing at his strength, he could break free easily like a lion walking though a wall made of thin grass. "You all need to get into a line." I said annoyed, putting them into a fairly straight line. "You all need to do some exercise." I said grinning. All the kids groaned but Seven smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows at the reaction he gave me but ignored it.

"We're gonna have so much fun..."

I'm sorry again for the long wait.

Word Count: 1115

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