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Ok so I'm going do something k? K kool.


Six's POV

I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about how annoying that 'Seven' kid was. "I need to learn more about him, I just have to!" I said silently to myself. I slowly crawled out of my bed and moved around the blankets and pillows to make it look like I was still sleeping in case she wakes up and decides to see if I'm awake or not. I crawled out from underneath my mothers bed, my bed was put underneath my mothers bed due to my "unnatural" small size, and so no one would find me underneath the bed. I looked at my dress and was about to put it on but realized that he would notice me with my dress on, he wouldn't dare to talk to me considering what happened a few hours ago.

I looked up at my sleeping mother and slowly opened the drawer of other clothes I had, unfortunately I dint have many, and most were dresses, I needed something that covered my face, I saw a yellow raincoat that my mother gave me whenever it was raining or a leak sprung from the Maw so it wouldn't mess up my hair, pretty much just so she wouldn't have to waste her time doing my hair.

It was perfect, I put it over my white shorts and white tank top pajamas and put the Hoodie on, it was surprisingly comfortable. I slowly walked into the other room and jumping up on the stool to try to look at myself in the shattered mirror I realized that I sometimes my hair moved out of my face and revealed my eyes sometimes, so I quickly moved my bangs into my eyes, brushing them roughly to make sure they stay covering my eyes. I decided I wasn't as recognizable and quietly opened the door and closed it silently.

I knew this entire Maw like the back of my hand, so I quickly ran around the Maw all the way to where the kid was.

Seven's POV

I couldn't sleep, my whole body ached with pain, especially my back. "That stupid yellow dressed freak has no right to do such a thing to anyone!" I said silently to myself. I grabbed the photo underneath my pillow. I miss them so much. I wish I didn't have to be such a curious child back then, they weren't joking with me when they said "curiosity kills the cat." I've been stuck here ever since that fateful day.

I'll make it back to them, I know I will. "I need be more though the next time that freak comes back. I got to get stronger." I thought to myself. Everyone was asleep so I had no one to interrupt me. I slowly crawled down off my bed which sent an aching pain through my body, but I ignored it. I got down on the floor and attempted to do a push-up, unfortunately I immediately fell back on the floor with a thud. I looked around ap the room and everyone was still asleep. I attempted to do one again and, surprisingly, I was able to do one but then gave up on trying to do another one, push ups are hard to do, I remember my brother telling me that long ago.

I then tried to do a sit up, at first it was though because my feet kept coming up, but then I slid my feet underneath one of the heavy boxes underneath my bed and was able to do it much easier. I was continuing to do this but then I heard the door creak open which made me sprung up.

Six's POV

I finally made it through all the other rooms and found out where my objective is. I slowly creaked open the door, not making a sound, and looked around the room. I was surprised to see him doing sit ups at a time like this, let alone do sit ups, I know I hurt him very badly a few hours ago, I thought he would be asleep resting peacefully. I just rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. But no matter, him being awake just makes my job easier.

"Alright remember, keep your identity a secret, make sure he doesn't find out who you truly are, you need to find out more about him, uh maybe-" before I could do anything I realized I was zoning out and held onto the door handle so I wouldn't fall but it just made a loud creaking sound. Well, just gotta try and make up anything he asks me.

Seven's POV

I shot back up and removed my feet from the boxes and looked at the door, at first I thought it was the Janitor but realized he would have walked through by now. Is it another kid? Is it from this room? "Who's there?" I whispered, wiping off the sweat from my forehead. The person grabbed the side of the door and peaked their head out. "Hello?" The kid said, considering the voice I assumed it was a girl. "Who are you? Are you going to hurt me?" She said shuffling back a bit. "No, no, I'm Seven, what about you? Who are you?" I asked her.

She seemed a bit hesitant but then replied. "I-I'm J-Juliet." She said in a shaky voice. "Hey Juliet, are you alright? What are you doing here anyways?" I whispered standing up and walking towards her. "I was sneaking out into the play area and I suppose I became slightly lost.

She came out from behind the door revealing herself. "I apologize if I accidentally woken you up." She said apologetically. "No, no it's fine I was already awake anyway." I replied. "That's a relief." She said relaxing her shoulders.

"Are you new here? I never have seen you around before." I asked her. "Well I've been here for a long time actually, you never saw me before because, ummm, I always hiding away from everyone. As you can see I was just in the play room by myself." She explained.

Six's POV

"How long were you in here?" He asked. "I'm pretty sure ever since I was born actually."  I replied. Uh oh, why did I say that! "Wow! I feel so bad for you!" He said sympathetically. "It's alright, I managed to survive this long haven't I?" I joked. He gave me a smile and a small laugh. "Well you don't need to worry about any of the kids here, all the kids here are very nice!" He said reassuring me. "Well except that yellow dressed freak." He said.

"But I'm sure you know all about her." He said. Oh he has no idea who the hell he's talking to. "I do know a lot about her actually, she started talking to our group of kids and she told us that she doesn't really want to hurt us, but she's forced to." I said, actually telling the truth to him.

"What? Why does she have to do this?" He questioned, sitting down on the floor and I joined him as well. "Well she said her mom makes her do this to make everyone stronger, you know make them THINK that the Maw is helping them. But then they are going to "reward" the kids with a feast, to fatten them up, like all the other guest. And then send you guys on to the boat and then someone will force you to come back to the Maw." I replied. My covered eyes widened that I just revealed what my mother's plan was.

"Wow, I was right not to trust that yellow dressed freak." He said looking away. My heart hurt a little at his comment, I got very mad at him but tried my best to keep it inside myself and I decided I needed that I needed to defend myself, even if he didn't know I was actually Six. "No, I told you, she is forced to do this to us, she has no other choice, she said she would be killed, or her mom would send her away somewhere to be killed, or, at least that's what she told me." I said adding on a little too much information.

"Wow, I never knew, ughh now I feel kinda bad for what I did to her today." He replied. I knew I couldn't just agree with him considering that he still doesn't know that I'm Six. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, I decided I had enough of the torture. So I decided I should finally stand up to Six,-" my heart skipped a beat when he said my name, for some reason I rubbed my sheet for a second, trying not to be suspicious. "-and when I did she snapped at one point, when I said one word, she even cried! No one has ever seen "The Princess" cry before, I heard not even her own mother, besides as a baby of course." He said.

I got made at myself that I even dared to shed a single tear in front of anyone. "Wow, that's very impressive, I have to say." I smiled at him, trying not to sound or look angry. "What did you even say to her?" I asked. "I called her something, something that tipped her over the edge it seemed like." He replied. "What did you call her." I said, swallowing the lump in my throat, trying not to show that I clearly knew what the answer was.

"I called her a Freak."


Word Count: 1618

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