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Fanart By: @CindyVonOtaku (Link in comments, go follow her! She's a great artist and great friend!)

If I missed anyone's fanart(s) please tell me immediately!

Let's get on with it then! :D (I'm gonna try really hard not to make another cliché, please tell me up your feedback if you want when you finish reading QwQ)

Seven's POV

"Runaway, stay with us man." John said hitting me in the arm. I shot up looking around noticing I somehow ended up on my bed with Mary and John near the end.

"Yeah mister," Mary begun. "You got a lot of nerve pulling that kind of stunt."

"Mostly stupidity then nerve honestly." John said sarcastically, which I gave him a nasty glare in response. Mary continued, pretending as though she wasn't interrupted. 

"You were acting mad, why did you do that Seven?" Mary asked worried. "Are you sick?" 

"No." I said after a quiet and long silence. 

"Was she controlling you?" John asked, scooting away on the bed. 

"No man." I said a bit irritated. 

"Well then tell us why you did that." Mary asked. 

"I don't know, it just seemed so annoying that those boys did that." I said annoyed.

"What? Flirting with her?" Mary asked giving John a look I noticed immediately. 

"You nasty hogshead not like that! Yes the flirting but not for that reason you crazed lunatic." I said annoyed. 

"I didn't say anything!" Mary said, letting out a small smile, I looked at John and he seemed to have the same sly smile on his face as well. 

"Ya'll are sick." I said calmly. "What I meant about the flirting is that just because she pampered herself up a touch doesn't mean she still not be cruel and heartless. It's like those morons forgot what she's done to us for so long." 

"Well." Mary said defensively, which made me shot my head in her direction and give her a confused look. "She has been very kind lately." Mary said defensively. 

"Yeah why is that? Am I the only one who keeps thinking about that?" John said jumping into the conversation. Me and Mary shrugged. "I feel like 'something' made her really happy lately which is making her like this." John continued. "You think it has something bad to do about us?"

"I highly doubt it, it might have something to do with that horrid mother of hers, she's a huge git in my eyes." I said just letting the nasty words fall out of my mouth.

"What makes you think her mother is so bad?" John asked confused, Mary giving him a sideways glance as well. 

"I.. I have heard some rumors about her here in there." I said simply, the two gave me confused glances but they seem to have just shrugged it off, which made me relieved because I didn't feel like explaining how or why I have those feelings towards the headmistress. 

"You guys think something good is happening to her then?" Mary asked. "Like she's being promoted or gifted something?" 

"What could she be gifted? She's the darn princess, she's rich, there's nothing she can't get!" I complained. 

"Yeah, except a boyfriend." John joked making me let out a large chuckle that came out a bit too loud. 

"Oh my, what if that's it? She's happy because she has a boyfriend now?" Mary said beaming. "That'd be so nice to hear that we'd be getting a prince for the princess finally." 

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