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Fanart by: @CindyVonOtak (Link in comments. Go follow her! She's really cool and very supportive! :D )

I'm actually running low on fanart so I might have to use Sevix pictures from online again, I have a few more fanarts left so if ur fanart has not been featured yet, please tell me IMMEDIATELY. Please and thank you. <3

'Ight, that's all. On with the Fanfic!

Six's POV

"Oh, you've returned. How did it go this time?" My mother asked as I creaked open the door to the entrance of out headquarters, my mother sitting on the couch, supposably reading a dark red-leathered book. 

"Well, less drama this time, every man was drooling over me though."

"Well that's definitely an exaggeration but i'm glad to hear that it went much better this time around. Here," my mother said handing me a wet wipe. "Wipe off all that makeup on your face, your duty is over for today, you may whatever you like, now, run along." My mother said, returning her attention to be book. I sighed, grabbed a large chicken leg from the table and turned around on my heals out the door.

I began to just walk around the area without thinking about going anywhere in particular. I just wanted to clear my head and think through my complicated thoughts and annoying emotions. 

Seven's POV 

"Free hours kids, do and go whatever you'd like for the next two hours." The Janitor yelled in a gruff voice, poking his enormous head out through the door. A few of the kids got up and immediately began to walk towards the door to the play area, a few stayed to just talk with one another and others just immediately fell asleep. 

In the Maw, we weren't really allowed to go anywhere else besides the places we normally go, the cafeteria, play place, bathrooms of course, sometimes even the other rooms, but I never really was interested in visiting other kids. I'm sure they've heard enough rumors about me to just assume i'm not exactly a normal fourteen year old. 

I looked down at the chain on my leg, I cringed looking at it. I adverted my gaze at it and looked up at the ceiling. Mary had left with another group of friends of hers and John decided to check out the library again, considering he was really the only kid, that i've seen besides a few others, who actually read in there. He asked me to come along but I told him I couldn't keep my mouth shut even if I wanted to, and he agreed and just walked off with a shrug.

I rubbed my head in annoyance. I couldn't stop thinking, my breath always seemed shaky now that I begin to think about life more and more. I just wanted to stop thinking and just think and breath normally again. I looked at the corner of the room. 'The room,' I thought to myself, 'she  goes there to think. It would be nice to have a room to myself to think.' I thought. 

I sat in my bed thinking even harder about whether I should go or not but my brain seemed way too cluttered with thoughts that I mentally had no room to think about it that hard. I jumped off the bed looking around the room to see if anyone noticed me, luckily everyone seemed way into their own conversations to acknowledge me. I tiptoed to the vent and quietly opened it and crawled through the vent to the room. 

Once I got to the room I looked around it taking in the scenery, I looked up and jumped back behind the wall. I saw the janitor dragging some kind of broken down cart above me. Even though he was very far away, I could hear his grunts and cracking neck and joints bounce and echo off the walls. One I saw him disappear from view I let out a loud breath. 

I'm not sure why I hid, he's blind. I shook my head and slid down the wall. I felt like I already had too much on my mind to be thinking about silly actions. I sat there just to think. 

'Am I doing the right thing? I like Juliet right? Do I like her too? No... there's no way... ' My head went back and forth on the situation. Of course I couldn't stop thinking about her, she's all i'm thinking about now a days! I let out a loud groan of frustration. I cannot stop thinking about Juliet and Six. My brain keeps tugging at my heart and at this rate I feel like it's gonna tug my heart heart right out of my chest. That would seem much better then this situation i'm in right now. 

My brain and my heart kept fighting with one another. My chest ached, my stomach felt like it kept eating itself and my head ached with pain as my eyes felt strained and neglected due to my lack of sleep. I needed to sleep, but I also needed to think. I needed to think some more. I have to clear out my thoughts.... this is way too messy, and the writing of this fanfic is becoming too weird and meda at this point-

Do I wanna be with her, Juliet? I asked her to be with me, but after today I realized my heart felt more, full, I guess, when I was around... her today.... like how I am around Juliet- I let out another loud groan of frustration. 

'She's a freak, she's a monster, she's one of them, she can't be trusted.' I repeated to myself over and over again I pulled at my black, greasy, overgrown matted hair. I couldn't remember the last time we we're given proper hygiene And it's all her fault... yeah... if she was so innocent she would've done something by now.... Why do I still not hate her though?!

I let out a loud sign and thought the idea over and over again in my head, making up random scenarios in my head. I let out a long exhale and got up, dusting off some invisible dust on my jacket. I looked around and shook my head. I turned around and went back through the vent to go to bed and sleep this headache off.

"I know what i'm gonna do..."

Time Posted: 3:38 A.M.


Word Count: 1073

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