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Fanart by: @EnoelRey (please follow them there amazing! Link in the comments) 

Thank you all for 300 followers, you all have been nothing but the best and I feel that you shouldn't be waiting any longer so Let's just jump into it. 

Seven's POV 

'Finally! It's been forever, I can't wait to see her again.' I thought to myself as I saw the Janitor slam the door shut. The janitor usually walks through every room to make sure everything is good and every kid is staying in their appropriate boundaries. I laid on my bed patiently for Juliet to come through the door so we could go to that room we usually went to together so we could talk without worrying about anyone waking up due to our bickering. I looked around the room as I saw everyone quietly snoring. Just then I heard the door creak open.

"Seven? You there?" Juliet asked quietly, peaking her head in through the door. I hopped down quietly and she shot her head into my direction. "You darn fool, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Juliet said, slowly closing the door. 

"Sorry Juliet." I said with a chuckle. "Shall we go to the room?" 

"Of course we will, we don't want anyone waking, up do we now?" She said, already opening up the vent hatch and beginning to crawl through, myself following right behind her.

"Why is it that you don't want me to mention you to anyone? I'm sure they would love to meet you." I said. Juliet paused for a moment but continued to move through the vents quietly, she did not speak until we made it to the room. 

"I'd rather not anyone find out about our relationship at all if i'm being quite frank," She explained, a bit more of her accent shining through. "I don't believe that many of the girls would be too fond, i've heard many stories about you and how all the girls do fancy you." 

"Fancy me?" I chuckled crawling out of the vent. "You mean that you really believe that one of them would like to date me?" She sat on the ground and I followed her, sitting on the cool floor as well, leaning onto the wall freezing wall as she sat across from me, loosely holding onto her legs that were just slightly away from her chest as she normally had them.

"Well, like I said, I've been hearing about how popular you have grown around here, many see you as some type of a hero around here, myself included," I became slightly flushed. "I would not be surprised if I overhear others saying that they would like to 'date' you." I looked at her with my eyebrows raised up in shock, of course she couldn't see but I could tell that she knew I was at a lost for words, becoming more and more flustered. 

"Well... how about you?" 

Six's POV

"What?" I asked in surprise, not sure if i understood him the first time. 

"How about you? Would you like to date me?" He asked with a goofy grin. 

It seemed like I was unable to speak, it was as though someone had ripped my vocal chords out of my throat. "Me? Date you?" I chuckled. "I don't believe that that can be possible." He seemed slightly taken aback. 

"Well why not? I don't see why we can't." He asked. 

'I'm the geisha's daughter! If word got out, i'll be DEAD... you will be dead...'  "We simply cannot date due to the Maw's strict order's, it strictly prohibits it, if they found out, our heads will be chopped off!" 

"That may be true but, isn't what we're doing right now considered a crime bad enough to send our heads rolling off our bodies?" Seven asked. I opened my mouth but closed it right away.

"W-well- Well yes of course it is," I begun. "But fancying each other would lead to a much more gruesome death punishment-"

"How do you know so much about the rules of this place, we we're never specifically told about them." Seven said. 

"Um... Six, Six told me." I said. My mother has always told me, if I see anyone with any public romantic ideal's being shown towards two people, i'd have to tell her about it immediately. Of course I obeyed every time... Well, I ignored it during one incident...

"What about that one girl i've heard you've hung out with? That Mary girl?" I said, immediately regretting my sentence. 

"Mary? I've mentioned Mary a few times to you before yes, but that doesn't mean that I wanna date her! We are only close friends, that's all. I'm not sure where you've gotten such a crazy idea there Juliet." He chuckled. 

"Oh, well my apologies then for the misunderstanding." I blushed. 'I should've known, of course they would just be friends, how could I overthink that possibility?!" 

"Your fine J. I'm just don't see why you don't wanna date me, I mean, I think i'm pretty 'fancible'" 

"Firstly, that's not a word," ("well 'firstly' doesn't sound like a word either.") "And Second, I do believe that you would make a wonderful, um, boyfriend," I begun, taking a moment to carefully choose my words. "But, I don't believe that I would be the best candidate for being your partner Seven, honestly." I said with a soft smile. He, unfortunately didn't return the smile, he looked down at the filthy floor for a few moments and then looked up at me.

"Well, I wanna know." 

"What?" I asked, feeling completely off guard. 

" I wanna know if you'd make a good candidate, would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

Ik, ik, "Hanna! We're in quarantine, what could you POSSIBLY be doing OTHER then write a story for us?!" I have no excuse, ik. I'm sorry, I was being completely lazy, I'm not gonna make up some random excuses for you guys to hear.

I'm so sorry because that the chapter is shorter then usual <:[ I hope you can forgive me for that. 

Anyways, I hope u enjoyed the chapter and I hope all of you are healthy and safe!

Time Posted: 4:53 A.M. (I'm sorry :'] )


Word Count: 1035

Little Nightmares | Six X Seven | My slaveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora