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K so I'm not gonna be posting every week. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-
I'm so sorry.
also I might be putting what time I post things because I just feel like that would be fun to do. (Well, my time zone at least, it will be different for everyone else though :/)
Six's POV

"You all need to do fifty sit ups." I announced. Everyone gave either a annoyed or sad expression, except Seven. "Except you, brat." I said. Everyone looked over at Seven worriedly. "You have to do a hundred." I smirked. Sevens eyes widened. "You can't do that! We all get the same punishment." Mary said grabbing Seven's arm. "I can and I will! Now get to it! All of you!" I yelled. My stomach turned, ugh I hate this so much! Why can't I just let the kids be. Everyone grabbed someone's feet to hold down. Mary stood up correctly and started to walk over to Seven.

"Nun-Uh, no, Mary your going with Rico." I said as I pointed to the kid that stood alone. "B-But I wa-" "Move, now." I commanded, hovering a little. She squealed and ran to Rio. "Um, hello? What am I suppose to do then?" Seven said already in the position, sitting up. I walked over to him and stomped on his feet with force. He let out a small but loud cry of pain at my sudden action. "Do them all now." I ordered.

"Don't you think the pressure on my feet are a bit much." She gasped out in pain. I gave him a look and took my foot off and stomped down on his foot harder and twisted it a bit more, even a little blood came along after I stomped on his foot with my shoe. "I didn't ask for excuses I asked FOR SIT UPS!" I shouted sternly. "NOW! I'm counting." He gasped out again at the sudden pain but after catching his breathe he slowly did some sit ups.




-Time Skip bois-

Seven's POV



One Hundred."

Everyone in the room started cheering when I got to a hundred, I didn't even care, I was just glad I could stop now. The freak finally lifted her shoe off of my feet, she did not remove any pressure at all on my feet when she first slammed the heal of her shoe into my bare feet, so I was relieved when she took it off. Although she didn't stop there, she moved to my side and looked down at me coldly, her keeping her eyes out of view. Her mouth turning into and angry expression.

She pulled her foot back and kicked my side fierce and harsh. I gasped for air as I held my side with pressure. Everyone gasped as she did it. "Hey he did all one hundred, why did you do that?!" John yelled. Everyone else mumbling in agreeance. She paid no attention to them as she looked down apon me, grimacing. She bent down and grabbed my hair I gasped out once more gripping onto her arm, attempting to loosen her grip on my hair. I shacked a little in fear and lack of energy. "You. Don't. F*cking. Talk. Back. To. Me. Ever. Again." She whispered. She grabbed the other side of my head and yanked my hair, giving me the same angry expression.

She slammed my head down on the wood floor over and over again. Everyone screamed as my screams filled the room but slowly silenced after many slams on the floor. "STOP, STOP, STOOPP!" Screamed Mary as she tried running to me But was pulled back by John. She stopped and breathed heavily, making the kids go silent, but she slammed my head one more time on the floor which made the kids eyes widen or cover their mouths.

"Your done with training for the day." She said as she stood up slowly, looking down at me. "You all are nothing but delinquents." She said as she turned to walk at the door. Until a sudden rage filled me. I grabbed her ankle which made her scream slightly as she faceplated right into the ground as everyone gasped once more at my sudden action. She turned onto her back but I reacted quickly by climbing on top of her to pin her down so she wouldn't get up. "GET OFF OF ME YOU ANNOYING BRAT!!" She screamed, trying to push me off but I grasped her whrists and pushed them down hard onto the floor. I leaned down right besides the side of her head and shakily whispered, "Y-you have no i-idea, what y-you h-have put us through."

She stopped for a second but then finally spoke. "You have no idea what kind of things I have been put through either."

"Seven! Are you ok?!" Mary said getting out of Johns grasped and running over to us. "Mary, no!" I screamed as I loosened my grasp on Six's hands, giving her the perfect opportunity to throw me off of her and pin me down. Mary stopped and stepped back a little. Six looked at her and threw her into a wall, everyone ran over to her. I panicked and struggled in her grasp. Six got off of me but used her magic to pin me down to the wooden floor, then gave me a annoyed look "JUST LEAVE US ALONE!! WE DISPISE YOU, YOUR NOTHING BUT A DISGUSTING FORM OF YOUR MOTHER!!" I screamed, causing a tighter grip onto me. She turned her head around and stared at me, keeping me pinned down.

Everyone went silent, and it stayed that way for a while, but then she put her hand up in the arm and let me go. I sat up at looked at her confused but before I could react she clenched her teeth and ran to me, picking me up with her bare hands and slamming my back into the wall, creating a loud crashing sound and a huge gasp from everyone.

She then threw me down to the ground and got on top of me, my back was sore but the adrenaline still kept me going due to the sudden rush. She grabbed my neck and started to choke me. "I'll show you on how to control your little, pretty mouth brat." She gritted through her teeth loud enough for me to hear. 

I attempted to gasp but it was no use, me, her and the others knew she could kill me right there on the spot and have no problems afterwords. Everyone was screaming but didn't even go near me and her, I started to lose concentration and started to get light headed, I knew I was gonna die then and there, so I just stopped. I still attempted to get it lose, but I knew it was no use, I lost my strength and struggled to stay alive.

I was very close to ranting, then possibly dying, but before I went unconscious her grip loosened on me and she soon finally let go. I immediately started to gasp for air again, feeling relieved that I could breathe again a bit of blood came out of my mouth though. It still hurt to breathe slightly because of her being on me. Luckily, as if she read my thoughts, she got off of me. "I'll be seeing you all tommarow, also, I would like all of you to know your place, and I suggest you learn it quick, or else you'll turn out like this one, maybe even worse, who knows? He's lucky I spared him, anyways, bye ungrateful delinquents." She said walking out.

Everyone, once again, spread worried glances and words when running over to me.

Time Posted: 1:43 A.M.
1- 31 - 2019
Word Count: 1297

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