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Fanart By: @CindyVonOtoku (Link in comments! Follow her she's spectacular!)

I love the fanart so much, thank you Cindy!!!

Six's POV

"I-I-I... S-Seven, you honestly cannot be serious..." I said, giving him a twisted smile.

"I'm not joking Juliet, I honestly want to date you." He said clearly with a quite serious face, which I honestly don't see from him often. Well, at all really. 

"I-I.." We sat there, on the cold, dirty floor in silence, his eyes on me, I didn't look up at him, but I could tell he was looking right at me, waiting for an answer. His eyes felt like a burning spotlight that shone over me. The floor no longer seemed cool to me anymore and I began to sweat as if I were inside of the boiler room. 

"Seven, I-I... I think... We should head back to our rooms..." I said, pushing myself off the floor, looking down at it as though I could find a way out of this situation. 

"Juliet?" Seven said, trying to catch my eye. I turned around. 

"I don't think it's a good idea Seven.." 

"We'll be okay, I swear, give me a chance, I'll be a good boyfriend," 

"Seven, your not the problem..."

"Then why? We've already broken the rules, I don't see why-" 

"It's not that either!" I yelled, turning my head back at him, seeing him jump back away from me."

"Then why-"

"You don't know anything about me Seven... don't know if I know if you'd like who really am..." I moved my breath down to an unbearably low voice so he couldn't hear, facing Seven in a better position now.

"Well I know enough about you to the point where I wanna date you so I can find out more and more about you. We can try it out, just give it a shot..." Seven begged. I looked at Seven surprised, I didn't expect him to like my personality so much... or.. does he like me because i'm pretending to be someone else? No, this is my true personality! Just, not my true identity. Ugh, this is so confusing.

"We... We should get back to bed Seven..."


"Seven.... I need time to think about this. Let's just-" I let out a sigh, "Let's just go to bed and... i'll think about it." He looked at me as though I disappointed him. His tense stance turned into his usual relaxed one. 

Seven's POV 

I let go of a breathe I didn't realize how long I was holding. I let out a sigh and hung my head low. "Fine, let's go." I said in a hallow voice, already walking past Juliet and opening up the vent hatch. 

"Seven, please don't-"

"It's okay- i'm fine. I'll wait for your response Juliet, like you said, let's go get some rest." I said, calmly, I wasn't sure why I was so defensive, we were just joking around at first, i'm not sure exactly how we ended up getting here to this point but... for some reason I was really hope that she would have said yes instead of having me wait. 

We crawled back through the vent back into the bedroom, she checked to see if the coast was clear, but it didn't really matter to me at the moment. 

"I'll... see you again tomorrow Seven..." she said. 

"Yeah... i'll see you tomorrow." I said coldly as I hopped up onto my bed. 


I didn't respond, she stood for a little while longer before I heard her open up the door slowly and I heard her small footsteps become less prominent and then vanish. I laid their thinking, I felt tempted to cry, but I knew I was not sad enough to cry. I shook my head and tried to sleep, but it didn't seem that I would sleep until a long time from now...

'I guess I'll just have to wait for tomorrow night...'

-Temi Skep-

Six's POV

I made it back to my room, shoved the raincoat somewhere my mother couldn't find it, and quietly crawled back under my bed. I tried to get my mind off of what happened and try to sleep, but I knew it was no use. 'I knew it...I never should have met him, I should have just stayed in bed and not wear that raincoat.' I sat their, upset, mad, frustrated. I don't remember a time where I had so many emotions run through me all at once. I've only ever felt rage, guilt, envy and sadness before. The only other emotion i've ever had besides those ones we're whenever I was with... him. 

'You were only suppose to find out more information about him, not to get close to him! Idiot!' I heard a hint in my mother's voice as I yelled at myself. I'm too young for this, i'm way too young. He doesn't know who I am, what I do, what I am. He's gonna be so so mad when he finds out. If he finds out.... 

"If..." I whispered to myself. He doesn't have to find out- he won't find out.. well for now at least, when i'm old enough I can have him come with me and we can escape, then ai can tell him... that is if we even last that long... (You guys kinda have to.... everyone will get mad at me if you don't) Yeah, yeah this could work... oh what am I saying?! Of course we can't date! We could both end up dead! Wait... do I really want to date him?.... No! I'm just confused, he wouldn't love me... but he could! He asked me to be his girlfriend.... he said so himself, but he also said that he just wanted to see if I could be a good one or not, does that mean anything?? 

I just wanted to scream in frustration. My head felt like it was spinning off my body, so many emotions flooded me at once. I couldn't take it! I screwed my eyes shut and felt a cool liquid fall down my to cheek and fall off my chin rapidly. I haven't even noticed I have been crying. 'I'm crying? Over some idiot! How pathetic can i be...' I thought to myself.

I tried to stop my sobbing but it didn't seem to obey. I became more frustrated and angry. I can't do this, I can't be with him, it's not possible. I'm going to die, he's going to die! He doesn't know who I am, sure he might know my personality but he doesn't know what I look like exactly or who i'm related to. He doesn't understand, he just thinks i'm some random girl on the Maw, he's here because of my mother, he can't see his family again because of my mother... 

But I can't stop myself from thinking about how nice it would be to be with him... I let more streaks of tears fall down my face as I rested my head on my pillow and decide to sleep. I couldn't handle all of this at once, my life seems to become a mess the more and more become older. Oh I wish that I was just some random girl on the Maw. I can't handle all of this responsibility being thrown at me all at once... I need to rest...Although, the command didn't seem to happen until many tears later. 

Hey guys! Ik! 2 chapters in one week! Wow! Anyways, I wanted to say something important so please read!

@Owlphases birthday is on the 3rd! And idk if ikll be able to post a chapter in time for her! So I want all of you to go wish her a happy birthday if you can!! (Link in comments)

She has done so much for this story and given so much love and support for it! I wish you an (early) Happy Birthday Owl!! :D

Time Posted: 12:00 A.M. (I did it!)


Word Count: 1333

Little Nightmares | Six X Seven | My slaveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang