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Fanart by: @CindyVonOtak (Link in comments, go follow her! She's real cool and talented!)

Okay, this is seriously becoming a problem. I'm extremely grateful that you all enjoy my story so much, but many of you keep pressuring me into continuing this story. I love that you all enjoy it so much, but this is not okay, please be patient for when the next upload comes in unless I stop posting for more then a month.

-Time skap-

Third POV

It was the next night and Six was very very anxious to go, she even thought about not going at all. Six jumped up out of her bed quietly and slowly walked out from under the bed. The adrenaline Six use to have whenever leaving her and her mothers room was practically al gone, but she knew she had to remain cautious, she's surprised she even lasted this long with out getting caught. 

Six quickly grabbed her rubber rain coat and tiptoed out the door, making sure to walk on the carpet only to lessen the pitter-patter of her small, bare feet. Once Six was down the large steps, fully clothed in her bright lemon yellow rain coat, she made her way to the area she usually met Seven. 

-Another Time skip-

Six made it to the door and slowly creaked it open. She looked around and saw everyone was still asleep. Six looked around and let out a low gasp. Seven was standing near his bed staring at her seriously. She knew she had to give him an answer. 

"Hey." Seven said quietly. 

"Uh, hey." Six muttered shutting the door, walking over to Seven. Seven ignored her by walking past her and opening up the vent. Seven already woke up a while ago, he couldn't sleep, his mind wouldn't let him. 

Am I really doing the right thing? I don't know anymore. Seven said to himself. He moved out of the way and motioned for her to go in first, Six just nodded and crawled into the vent. Seven followed and the two crawled in silence. When the two got there they first looked around to see if anyone was watching them. The two didn't say anything to one another for a good long while. Seven shook his head annoyed and decided to start the conversation.



Seven looked at her surprised. 


"My answer is yes." Six said. Seven assumed he knew what she meant but he decided to play dumb.

"To what?" 

"I wanna be your girlfriend." Six said letting out a breathe she didn't know she was holding. Seven's eyes widen in surprise. He had a smile creep onto his face and he was almost knocked over when he felt 'Juliet' run up and hug him tightly. Seven hugged her tightly as well and gulped down a lump in his throat he was going to speak but decided not to. He felt a bit sick and if he had eaten anything that day, he was sure he would've thrown up from happiness. Is that even possible? Seven didn't know but he was happy. He also felt a bit disappointed she didn't just say no to him but Seven just shook off the feeling and decided to not think about it.

'Juliet' separated from Seven and had a large smile plastered on her face from ear to ear. Seven had a smile too but it wasn't as enthusiastic as 'Juliets.' 

"I suppose we are dating now." Six giggled in a voice she was so use to doing at this point that she couldn't even remember if this was her real voice or not. 

"Yeah!" Seven said trying to be more enthusiastic. The two felt awkward and not sure what to do now, yes they were dating, but what do couples do? The two stood facing one another awkwardly. Seven was debating on telling her what he really wanted to tell her but he decided against it. 

"You wanna just sit down and chat a bit I guess?" 'Juliet asked. Seven nodded and followed her to the wall. Seven actually wanted to tell her something that he himself didn't even know. 

He wanted to tell Juliet he liked both her and the 'princess.'

He decided against it because he still really liked Juliet, like-like a lot- but he also really liked Six as well. He shook his head in frustration hoping Juliet didn't notice. He smile at her and begun a small chat with her.

Short chapter sorry, also I am really sorry for not posting in so long, i'll try to post more and longer chapters too.


Time Posted: 3:00 A.M.


Word Count: 775 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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