Chapter one

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We were all born with it. Every single person had it. It was a necklace, but we called it a shoko, it meant soul mate in our language. Every single one had a different design on it, only interlocking with one other necklace. We don't know who the come from, but we do know it real. When meeting your soul mate the pieces fly together and fit perfectly together. It's a magical moment in ones relationship, and even if we think it won't work out it always does. We receive our shoko at age 12, it appears on our windowsill. I've dreamt about my day when I meet "the one", but also fear it, when you meet your match it could be someone you don't expect. But then again what's wrong with a little bit of surprise?

I sat down in my classroom seat, right next to window. Luckily since my name, Licht Yamata is always near the end so I always get good seats. But this year it was my favorite seat, getting to look outside and see the leaves fall down always relaxed my mind.

 The bell rang and I shifted my vision to the chalkboard where my teacher was supposed to be..... but she was not. I looked at the door, a bit of suspense building inside of me. A teacher not in the room by the bell only meant one thing- a new student.  My mind started wandering, maybe this would be my- my one?  I happened to be staring at the person in front of me when I got lost in my thoughts. People started whispering all around wondering who the new kid would be, getting more excited by the minute our voices raised. I heard all around people betting on who would be the luck person to get their soul mate today. Which was a total loss because rarely ever would someone match in class, I mean there are tons of people in the world right? Another thought rushed across my mind, how would we meet our soul mate if there was tons of people? I mean I guess a shoko was magic because how would it know who were our soul mates.

 My mind went dead when he entered the room, first I was taken aback by his bright green eyes. They darted around the room and landed on me, me. His hair was a pale brown and his skin was a light tan, like right out of a magazine. I obviously was not the only girl drooling over him, the boys snickered saying that they looked better.

"Class, we have a new student today, please introduce yourself" my teacher said loud and clear because we wanted everything to do with him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Daiki Yuu, it's a pleasure meeting you all"

I think my heart was at its max, how could a guy be this amazing?

// alrighty I think I'll stop here for now cause idk, hopefully I'll be updated this at least every other day since I already have this written and I like it, unlike Blessed By The Scar, which I need to revise. Hope you enjoy it :)) peanut out~

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