Chapter 15

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//if wattpad freaking deletes this i'll rage so much and cry. Sorry for taking awhile to get this chapter up, i've been making notes and such for this. While typing this chapter i listened to The Distance by Cliff Edge

//DISCLAIMER!! This chapter deals with the topics of parental abuse, if you are dealing issues with parental abuse please call this number (800) 422-445, and if you know someone who deals with abuse talk to them about calling this number.

//alright now let's start this~

Omi P.O.V

I called a familiar number while waiting in the drive way of Hisoka Yuu's house, the phone dialed a few before he picked up

"What the hell do you want Omi?"

"I'm proposing a deal with you"

"What's the deal"

"I'll give you the location, but in payment i'd like 2,000 in cash"

"The location of what"


I could hear him talking to someone in the background, he grumbled and spoke again

"Deals on Omi"

I smiled and said, "It's a pleasure working with you Tsuyoshi"

I hung up, and sent him the address to Hisoka's house

I drove off, taking a glance in the review mirror.

I parked a little farther down watching for Tsuyoshi's car, he pulled around the corner and I drove off to the mansion 

I called Akihro and told him the deal was done, and that I was heading home

"Good job kiddo" His frail yet powerful voice said over the phone


Daiki P.O.V

Hise was sitting on the bed with her fist clenched on her knee. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her and said, "are you okay?"

"i just don't understand"

"what?" I was confused, I hadn't seen her act like this in awhile

"i don't understand why we got stuck with an shitty life when she gets everything good"

"Hise? It's not like that"

"You know what? I don't give a flying fuck about her"

"Hise, your being unresaonable"

She looked at me and said, " Okay look Daiki, just because you think she is great doesn't mean she won't turn on you"

I stood up and spoke up, to the point I was more than loud, "HISE SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME"

She stared me in the eyes, and said "the truth hurts and you know that"

Hise, was a girl who pissed you off, yet you couldn't get mad at her

Instead of yelling at her, I cried

and I sat on the floor and leaned against the bed, i wiped my eyes like many times before

Table For Two// nishiyukiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя