Chapter 22

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//wow I haven't updated in ages, i've just been super tired lately and again i'm sorry if I stop updating again. I've got many projects due and some other things I need to finish by next wednesday and i'll need to put all my efforts into that. I'm updating this now because I want something new out there before I get super busy. Also i'm lowkey obsessed with this picture of a jaguar in our office, it's face literally looks like :D, happy jaguar. Anyways let's get this started before I run out of time.

Kuzino P.O.V

I had asked him what he meant because I had no clue what it meant, yet it was so powerful. It's like he could see the future or something, but I wasn't sure.

Through my tears I was able to tell him something, "I have no idea what you mean, but I know that I won't forget you for better or for worse"

He cupped my face, "How can you be sure?"

I looked up at him and tried  to smile, then I lifted up my own hand and tapped it twice.

"It's my lucky charm I guess" I remember that vividly, two nights ago started this mess.

He smiled back at me, "You remember it"

"How could I forget it?"

He took my hands, "I didn't think you paid close attention to that, do you remember what it means?"

"You said it was your good luck charm kind of thing. Maybe to bring good fortune?"

He laughed despite the pain in his eyes, "That's right"

Now it was time for the important questions, "What's wrong?"

He paused then he shifted so he was sitting criss-cross applesauce on my bed, "There is so much I need to tell you"

"I'm all ears"

"I don't know where to start this" He sighed, "I'm not normal"

Slightly confused I asked him, "What do you mean 'not normal'?"

He started messing around with his hands, "I can do things that other people can't"

Isn't it normal to be able to do things that other people can't?

He awkwardly laughed to himself, "I guess it would be easier to show you... What's your favorite book?"

I was very confused again, "It's Blue by Citlaly, it's in my bookcase over there. Why do you want to know?"

He smiled and then he lifted up his hand, and the book came. The book just flew into his hand from across the room. What?!

"Well, there's the thing I wanted to get off my chest. I can kind of sorta do magic?"

My eyes were wide, I had always thought magic wasn't real and that was a fairy tale type of thing. Something to bring joy to children I guess. "So, you're telling me that you can do magic?"

He looked kind of scared for a second, maybe he was regretting that he told me, "Yeah.."

This was so unbelievably cool, like he can do magic. I laughed, "That's amazing"

He looked surprised that I had a good reaction to it, "Wait, really?"

I scooted closer towards him, "Duh, when I was younger I always dreamed of having powers. Partly because I wanted to be the best in the school and that I could genuinely impress everyone."

"I thought you would think it's really strange, I thought maybe you wanted someone normal."

I slid off the bed, and walked to the vanity. I sat down on the cushioned chair, and then I began to mess with my hair. What did I want to do today, maybe a ponytail? Mostly I walked towards the desk because I was trying to make myself take all the horrible things he's done, maybe I was trying to avoid the inevitable.

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